Loud Turbo Noise - GT3071R


New Member
When mapping cars we take all neccaserry precautions we monitor the fuel with a lamba reader
We listen to knock by the way of stephoscopes and also use the power fc knock level indicator
A fuel pressure gauge is fitted to the vechile
The boost pressure is monitored by the boost controller in billys case a avcr, and we always run a mechanical one along side incase there is any indifference between the two
When we adjust the boost to the desired level we gradually increase up to our target boost to prevent any overswing by applying little duty bit by bit


New Member
I'm confussed, who is Imran and who ius Billy?
Who's car is it?
The Red one I take.
Imran on here or Billy on the mods?


Its Billy on both forums, my cousin originally made this account but never used it, really need to get one of the mods to change it to billy187 on here aswell dont i :lol:

I'm confussed, who is Imran and who ius Billy?
Who's car is it?
The Red one I take.
Imran on here or Billy on the mods?


Well-Known Member
Im not an expert so I wont even try and give you an explanation of what is wrong but all I would say is that a Turbo is a wear and tear item so if it is the turbo that is faulty, those of you who are can hardly blame the tuner for it.

There are far too many members hijacking genuine threads with "OK, lets blame the tuner" instead of giving good genuine advice.


Staff member
Didn't you blow a turbo at Modified Live? - I apologise if I've got your confused with someone else, but I thought it was your car that was smoking, and the last time I saw it was parked-up outside Oulton Park.
Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is what the history of the turbo is; has it been rebuilt once already?


Didn't you blow a turbo at Modified Live? - I apologise if I've got your confused with someone else, but I thought it was your car that was smoking, and the last time I saw it was parked-up outside Oulton Park.
Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is what the history of the turbo is; has it been rebuilt once already?
Yep your right but that was on a different pulsar to this one..


Staff member
Aside from the turbo being a little noisier than before, are there any other symptoms?

You've had some work done on the exhaust and intake side so maybe the noise is just clearer now? The change in noise could be down to something as simple as a different oil used. If its holding boost and making power it might all be okay?

Back to you original post, the turbo is on its way out when its not doing its job or whilst doing its job is belching clouds of smoke at the back. Until then you may as well just enjoy it :)


Active Member
There are far too many members hijacking genuine threads with "OK, lets blame the tuner" instead of giving good genuine advice.
I agree with this to a point but there are also a few of you that jump straight in to the tuners defence just because you are getting work done there and are associated with them in some way.So it works both ways really.
I am sure ddautosport can stick up for them selfs just like they have done.

Also in the past there has been horror stories about the old dp motorsport so you can see why some of the older members will be a bit sceptical.


Tbh the new ddautosport has been giving good advice over on the mods site and are the only tuners that are really pushing the gtir forward where as other tuners are more intrested in scoobs and evos.
Plus they have built the fastest gtir in the uk so they cant be all bad?

As for the turbo becoming louder maybe where you have just had a new elbow and downpipe fitted it has became more audible when you turn it off?


Well-Known Member
I agree with this to a point but there are also a few of you that jump straight in to the tuners defence just because you are getting work done there and are associated with them in some way
Yes, your right. Don't tell anybody, but when you drop your car at DD, they make you sign a clause saying if they work on your car, you have to jump straight to their defence on the websites :lol:


Right guys ive had a look around and the best price ive managed to get is:

£530 for my turbo fully recon'd with a new core with warrenty
£725 for a brand new turbo of the same spec

What should i do? Have also been offered a couple of second hand turbos but the asking rate of between 600-700 seems it would be silly to go for one of these....


Staff member
Yes, your right. Don't tell anybody, but when you drop your car at DD, they make you sign a clause saying if they work on your car, you have to jump straight to their defence on the websites :lol:
I just bash Dave Jr because he keeps making me look like a mong: Telling me porkies, and I believe him... then look stupid when the truth comes-out. :doh:


Well-Known Member
£530 for a recon sounds pretty good to me but mind you, so does £725 for a new one.


I just bash Dave Jr because he keeps making me look like a mong: Telling me porkies, and I believe him... then look stupid when the truth comes-out. :doh:

Pmsl :lol::lol::lol::lol: . bl00dy hell he's full of it.:lol::lol::lol::lol:


Staff member
He was laughing quite hard at me at Oulton Park. Mainly because not everything on Craig's car is on display, and I fell for his story that it was mostly standard.


New Member
here we go again

i have read through the post regarding grants manifold problem and to a extent it is true,grant orderd a manifold through us a tublar one and there was quite a delay in grant receiveing this mainly down to our exhaust manifold fabricator cutting his finger off.

I think grant waited about 6 weeks for the manifold to arrive and when it did the flange was twisted so grant then sent the manifold back for this problem to be rectified we rectified this problem and grant decided to get another manifold from another company at this point we then agreed to sell the manifold to another one of our customers to reimburst grant which was also a pain in the arse getting the other customer to pay for grants manifold, around this time grant decided on the idea for us to get him a set of teins which we agreed on, this went back and to for a while we were trying to get money for the manifold to pay for the teins which never occured.

This sittuation was still going on arround christmas time and this was the time i left dp and new people came in one of them whome was my old buisness partner who was up to date on the grant manifold situation.The comment of do you know who i am was not me i wasnt even there.
I have a lot of respect for grant and he is one of the nicest and patient customers i have had to deal with i even went up to i think vvs irvine at oulton park thinking it was grant to see whether the whole manifold problem had been sorted out and i was once again in a position to help.
I left dp at the end of 08 to concentrate on family and to join back up with my dad dave perry snr and do something again together as he had gone into early retirement in 07 thats why you now have dd autosports.

As for the dp-dpv as from the end of 08 it has had nothing to do with me nor my dad but at the time of grants problem i was there at the beging but not at the end.
Over the years i have seen the way these forums work and understand why people express there comments we have been running tuning facilites for 18 years which is a long time it is hard to please everyone all the time but we do try.

I beleive grant is not at a financial loss but i am personnally sorry for the iconveinence he was put through for my part.

ps what the hell are you on about pobody
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