Pretty cold, and the car won't start. :|


Active Member
Driving to work today, I noticed just as I was pulling up to park, I lost power, and the PFC's boost solenoid started working (at around 2000rpm, which isn't usual).

As I pulled out from work again later, the boost solenoid was working overtime (lots of clicking from it),and the car suddenly died. Started again, and drove to town. After my errands, I got back in the car and now it won't start.
It's around -15C, and it turns without problems, it even fires up great. But then it suddenly dies. It seems almost like the key is turned back off, because it fires up, revs for .5 seconds, and then just dies, irrelevant of throttle use.

Everything else seems fine, so I'm wondering if there are any components that are known to seize or fail under cold conditions? Any other suggestions?

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Well first look at the commander and see what all its values are with the engine off and see if anything is odd.


Active Member
Well first look at the commander and see what all its values are with the engine off and see if anything is odd.
Yep, I would do that, unfortunately I've left the commander in the garage, to keep myself from the temptation of turning the boost up. :doh:
I'll have to go get it, I suppose.


Active Member
The boost solenoid is working completely at random now though, it's clicking at idle, when driving slowly, fast, anytime really. But I DID notice that it doesn't seem to work when it's supposed to - when the boost is getting high. So I'll have to be careful with the throttle, if I get it going. It must be the cold freaking it out.


Staff member
By pass the boost solenoid and switch it off in the PFC. You will be using manifold pressure to control the turbo actuator but at least the car will work until its not 15deg C outside :shock:

I feel warmer already


Active Member
If the boost controller is disconnected but not switched off then it causes wierd running.

Anything from almost not running, to ticking over ok but not being able to rev it or drive it much.


Active Member
By pass the boost solenoid and switch it off in the PFC. You will be using manifold pressure to control the turbo actuator but at least the car will work until its not 15deg C outside :shock:

I feel warmer already
That would solve the erratic behaviour of the solenoid, but I can't see how it would affect the actual starting of the car? Of course, I'm not familiar with all the workings of it, but it doesn't seem likely to me?

It's pretty nippy. Fortunately it'll get down to -20 on thursday.


Active Member
If the boost controller is disconnected but not switched off then it causes wierd running.

Anything from almost not running, to ticking over ok but not being able to rev it or drive it much.
That sounds like the behaviour of it when it WAS running, so perhaps we're onto something here. I'll give it a go. Poor thing is alone downtown in a parking lot now. :(


New Member
if the power fc sees the setting for the solenoid checked and its not there it will not keep running maybe your solenoid is faulty (frozen?) as above try deselecting with the commander and try again

Fusion Ed

Active Member
its all a diversion, the solenoid could not possibly ever make the engine stop like this. Something else is up.


sounds like fuel starvation to me trond, -20c not your fuel freezing up is it? if its thickening then the pump may not be able to cope with the pickup.

disconnect the fuel pipe from rail and turn ignition on and run the fuel into a container to see if its flowing properly


Active Member
Other cars are running at this temp, so I doubt it's the fuel. My tank was almost on empty last night when I filled it, so we're thinking it may be condensation that has gotten into the fuel filter, and frozen.
If it isn't completely frozen solid, it'll let through enough gas to start the engine, but not keep feeding it. So - it's on its way to a warmer spot tonight :

When we tried with start gas, it ran on that, so you're probably right on the starvation. Hopefully it'll have thawed by tomorrow, and I'll have to rush along to get a new fuel filter! :)


without sounding big headed i was gonna suggest what you had just said much fuel in tank and possibly condensation!
i reckon it will be fine once youve changed the filter


Active Member
without sounding big headed i was gonna suggest what you had just said much fuel in tank and possibly condensation!
i reckon it will be fine once youve changed the filter
Haven't seen your head, so I can't say. :D But hopefully that's the only problem! :)
Also, we were wondering if the dieselsound I've got is down to exhaust escaping somewhere, I'll have to check closer.

And do you have any rear arch trims?


i will have some very shortly just need to get out there and get them off, you after a pair? they are mint but sometimes the studs break on the back when trying to remove the things!

diesel noise maybe cold temps and piston slap due to the pistons not reaching optimum temperature (especially with je and weisco)


Active Member
Yes, I'm after a pair! :) Remove them gently then!

The noise is just as bad at running temps, so I don't think that's the problem. But I'll check clearances and exhaust to see if I figure it out!

Drop me a PM when you've got the trims then, please? :)


Active Member
Smashing. :)

However, the car has thawed now, but it still has the same behaviour. They're going to have a look at it tomorrow, but now I'm really puzzled as to what it could be.


Active Member
Thanks, just hope that they either figure it out, or transport it to my garage. I'd hate for it to be left outside now when the forecast says at least -20 for the next days!

Meanwhile, suggestions are more than welcome!

Could the filter have been damaged by ice in such a way that it would be useless even when it's thawed? I'm not familiar with the construction, so I don't know.