For the first time....



... I'm actually thinking of giving up on the bloody thing. With the latest issue (gearbox related, exact problem unknown but it's an internatl issue) I'm strugglnig to find the motivation to continue fixing it.

If i wasn't so far up shit creek with everything else thats going on I'd probably just keep going but I can't keep throwing huge amounts of money at it. In the last two months, just keeping it on the road I've spent £1500 and with the MOT due next month I know i need a new windscreen not to mention the coilovers need setting up, the running issues need to be diagnosed with a possible re-map to go with it and now the gear box. Usually I'm full of confidence with this kind of thing and I'd be game for cracking on and seeing if i can fix it but two weeks ago i broke my Ankle so I'm somwhat limited in what i can do and to be frank, with my confidence dented by the continuing issues, I just dont think i can do it. A garage will cost a fortune and that's money i dont have.

Frankly I'm stressed. Really stressed, probably exhaserbated by the fact I'm off to the Nethlerands for work soon as well as being somewhat i'll and just a shed load of other things I can't be arsed to hare on an open forum.

Any ideas? If i break it, I may as well fix it because the major money is the engine and if that comes out I may as well fix the sodding thing. Selling it as one lump will see zero money back and with the money I've spent, that's not an option. I wish I had mechanical friends local who could give me a hand but i don't so I'm on my own.

Urgh... :cry:


the gearbox itself is fine, jsut wont go into gear. Is the work involved to remove my one that's got me floored.


wont go into gear, a grinding noise with the clutch peddle depressed. Thought it was slave cylinder so rebuilt that. Peddle has some feel but not enough to engage the clutch and the fork is very loose. The fork is uprated and have pics to confirm the 8mm plate that was welded onto the fork as well as the copious amounts of weld used to fill in around the pivot point so it shouldn't have snapped but it is super loose. everything has been replaced so i can only guess at the possibilities. I'd guess the fork has gone where the release bearing sits but that's a guess.

red reading

Active Member
You may have over done the welding on the fork and created heat affected weak zones (the fork is heat treated for hardening in certain area's) and it has snap'd. or it could be a realease bearing that has broken up (not un-common on uprated clutch's like the rps) Those above will explain grinding noises.


without wanting to sound like a stuck record and/or a whining bitch, I knew the box needed to come out but I still don't know what the hell to do. I just don't know if i can face droppnig the box on my own.


Active Member
forget about it, go watch the football tomorow and have a weekend not thinking about it, a bit a go I spent £2000+ on a turbo and supporting mods and getting it setup then it blew up straight away, now I have gone down and had to forge the engine and buy a new turbo, and gearbox, and multiple other expensive things,

thats what "performance" rust buckets throw at you, chin up and dont flap we all feel for you :lol:


forget about it, go watch the football tomorow and have a weekend not thinking about it, a bit a go I spent £2000+ on a turbo and supporting mods and getting it setup then it blew up straight away, now I have gone down and had to forge the engine and buy a new turbo, and gearbox, and multiple other expensive things,

thats what "performance" rust buckets throw at you, chin up and dont flap we all feel for you :lol:
been there, done that hence my irritation. :evil:


I'm gonig to get a normal car as the Pulsar is just too unreliable at the moment. That will give me time to think about what to do and when i decide to, fix the bloody thing.


Active Member
good idea mate, exactly what I have done, I use a 306 dturbo to get about in, just brought another 400 quid and 70k on the clock, brilliant cars for the money


I wish i could drive a 306 td but my feet do not allow me to.


Active Member
giant or something? mine are size 12
same as GTiR you thinking of the saxo as there shocking


Giant... sort of. A friend had a 306 that i struggled with but I've never had a problem with the R.

Size 19 shoes.