2 white doors free to a good home!


Well-Known Member
I didn't know where to put this so feel free to move it.

If anybody wants to come and collect these let me know else they'll be going for scrap in the next few days :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hillclimbing without doors? thats one way of reducing weight. Hows the bonnet going? Den.
That would be one way of lightening the car :lol:

I've got 3 sets of doors at the moment as I've just picked up a pair with wind up windows so I can get rid of my electric ones to save a bit more weight. My lock up is getting a bit full at the moment so I need to get rid of some bits to make some room.

I fitted the bonnet a couple weekends ago, Phil did a brilliant job of it as it pretty much bolted straight on. It's coming off again soon to be sprayed. How's your car coming along?


Well-Known Member
Where did all the posts about the edit button go :lol:

If anybody wants these you've got until saturday before they get taken down my local scrapyard :twisted: