3" pipe & hose from the states


New Member
after chatting to ross and rayman at jae, ive found the links to the companies ive used to order various hoses and 3" intake pipes from. as you can see the prices are alot cheaper when you consider that the cost for a 3" alloy bend can be £15-20


these are just to give you an idea of what can be sourced if you are prepared to wait a few days extra


wow ! good find 8)

3 hoses and 6 clamps for about £4 from the states or £20 for one with no clamps from the UK... I ****ing hate this rip off country :(

Cheers fella.


New Member
no probs ross, im just trying to find a place that sells 63mm pipe with a 25mm t-piece so i can go ahead with the blow through setup, cheapest uk price is £20 so far.

Can you PM me your details so i can purchase one of the electric mirror switches from you!


Heres the latest on the mirror modules...

They are all built ( I have about 20 in stock ). So far they have worked fine on two different cars, but on a third car he had problems. Tried two different modules and both of them blew a fuse...

Am trying to find out if its a fault with his mirrors, or a fault with the module ( which could affect other people as well ).

I also gave one free to someone else on the condition that they test it for me, but after 6 weeks or so he still hasn't fitted it...

I'll keep you posted, or you can have them at risk and I'll return any money if you have a problem.