6 years of R ownership & its finally over



Hi All,

Been on and off here for the last couple of years, though because of commitments i've never contributed enough to the owners club as I would have liked (though I have written a few gems for the how to section)..

Anyway due to spiralling costs for building my racecar this year (and a deal on a lotus elan that I couldn't refuse) I had to sell her.. She was a very, very well spec'd track car (some of you might have seen her on track days and sprinting during 04 - 05). Completely gutted to have sold her and also my brothers now not talking to me as he wanted to buy it from me but couldn't get insured (only 19 bless) so he's had to make do with a mazda 4x4 turbo (complete monster from 1600cc couldn't belive it!)

Anyway if a guy called Paul comes on here, with a grey, h reg with a safety devices cage please give him a warm welcome, he's a top guy and if the spec and quality of his wifes starlet turbo's anything to go by (he turned up in it to pick the car up) he'll turn it into one of the fastest, best handling cars on here! ;o)

Also - worked out how to and actually reshimmed a mates car without removing the cams etc - if anyone wants to know how to please pm me and i'll write a how to (belive me saves hours)

Cheers ladies and gents


Fast Guy

Staff member
olidaviesuk said:
i'll write a how to (belive me saves hours)

Feel free to write it and post it or pm it to one of the mods.;-)

What part of the country is your car in now?

What's your race car? Good luck with it.


Sold it for a Lotus :roll:

Regrets any minute now...........................:p


Staff member
Also - worked out how to and actually reshimmed a mates car without removing the cams etc - if anyone wants to know how to please pm me and i'll write a how to (belive me saves hours)
Shame to see you go mate.

Please do write a how to on the shimming, if pm me I will post it as a sticky in the how to section for all to see forever.

Good luck in whatever you get up to next.



pulsars gone to slough so now theres one less R in orpington (down to two now I think)

No laughs please but the racecar is a Nova GSi racing in the stock hatch championship, have found out that track racing is either a) for the seriously minted or b) people who are a bit handy at doing over post offices ;oP

Lotus Elan - well apparently from what I hear that providing they have the right fuelling and management you can get a reliable 280 bhp from a 1600! that combined with a car thats got lotus handling (and build quality unfortunatly) and weighs less than a packet of salt and vineger crisps will make a pretty interesting combination, not trying to justify it to myself or anything but also in the origional autocar test it lapped their test track in the same time as an E36 M3..

Still its not a GTiR! ;o(

Right the how to, mods could you cut and paste to the howto section....

- Strip intercooler (if top mount) plug leads and rocker cover,
- Measure clearance between rocker arms and cams as described in the service manual..

NB.. the service manual says to measure the clearances hot!

I take the same view as Ian at HiTeq when I was discussing this with him that its far better to measure the clearances cold! briefly the reason is metal expands with heat, generally the hotter the more expansion, though this isn't always linear (different metals also expand by different amounts per deg of temperature rise). Unfortunatly the service manual doesn't specify a temperature to measure the clearances at and short of sticking a thermometer in the top of the engine its just not practical to do so if you do it when the engines cold (ambient temperature) you stand a better chance of getting more accurate, consistent results and therefore a quieter engine! apologies to all if thats getting a bit technical...

- remove spark plugs (this will enable you to turn the engine more freely)
- for any clearances that are out of tolerence, rotate the engine so that the camshaft lobe is vertical and the valves are closed. The rocker arm should be at its 'freeist/loosest' point.
- remove the rockerarm retaining spring.

Now you need an assistant with very strong fingers....

- from the front of the engine (valves are in pairs) push the valve that has the rocker arm guide on it down (left hand valve of the pair) - you don't need to compress it fully (about 2/3mm) is enough, the rocker arm can now be rotated anticlockwise and you can remove it.

- use the same procedure to remove any other rocker arms that clearances need adjusting on...

- measure clearances, shims and guides as in the service manual

- refitting is the reverse of removal (rocker arm retaining springs are a bit fiddly) remember to lubricate all components with oil on reassembly..

- also remember a new rocker cover gasket (is the same as the 2.0 primera and about £4 from a motor factors..

- Enjoy your quieter SR20DET ;o)
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A friend of mine has a lovely winter green pulsar, and a wine red met lotus elan.(He has the best of both worlds)

The Lotus is a totally amazing car. Even with the standard 168 (ish) bhp it's a propper tool. The feel and handling of the car are exceptional.



unbelivable, bloke whoes bought the cars just phoned me up, apparently its misfiring and running really rich... Don't know what to think considering the cars never missed a beat for the past three years....


olidaviesuk said:
unbelivable, bloke whoes bought the cars just phoned me up, apparently its misfiring and running really rich... Don't know what to think considering the cars never missed a beat for the past three years....
The MAF ok?


thats what I thought, had the car valeted before I sold it cause of hosepipe ban, some waters probably got in somewhere...


Sorry what I mean't was I had the car valeted by a car wash place (one of those ones where 50 illegal imigrants hand wash it etc)



Cheers fast guy - though looks like hes chosen the 'other' club.....

just spoke to paul, looks like the airflow meter is playing up, one of my mates reakons that the hot wire in the airflow meter has got moisture on it when it was valeted the other day (had all the arches jet washed etc) and its probably got a thin coating of rust/muck on it now.... hopefully its as simple as that to get it sorted... Kinda gutted my old girls playing up, shes probably throwing a wobbly coz I got rid of her...