A question about Nos on the gti-r?


Sorry if this question sounds dumb :oops:
Does the gti-r engine need anything more than forged pistons if I want to use Nos on the gti-r or do I need to strengthen the engine more?

P.S. I am thinking about putting a 50-75 bhp horsepower shot.


Active Member
Depends what other mods ur running.

On it's own a 50 shot of NOS shouldn't cause any probs.... depnds what else you have pushing the envelope.

GeeTee 8)

Fast Guy

Staff member
Giinga runs nos on his, he may have some useful advice for you.
Ginga, want to get this one? :wink:

75 sounds quite alot, you'd pobably be best getting a nos controller to make the best use of it.

I'd recommend getting forged pistons tho and an uprated clutch if you don't have one already.


Active Member
I don;t think fuelling would be a prob at this level as long as NOS is the only mod.

If however, you already have induction kit, pipe and have upped the boost then be wary of running weak. Might need combi NOS.

GeeTee 8)


Staff member
"Might need combi NOS" What does that mean.

I think your right Fast Guy, a 50 shoot with a progessive controller is the way to go.

That's what I'm going for anyway :twisted:


regardless of the size shot...on a boosted motor its best to always get a larger fuel pump.


Motor should be fine as ive seen Rods take 600hp thrashings, pistons are stronger then other SR20`s though it depends on your fuelling and how much do u like your gas :p GTI R motors are alot stronger than other SR20`s internally so good luck my friend. Why are u wanting to use NOS anyway, are u looking for a antilag setup?


this is my opionion on nitrous on the gtir

i wud never ever consider fitting it to the car enless u use direct port nitrous injection reason being is that were u mount the fogger on the plenam chamber i dnt believe the nitrous distributes evenly between the cyclinders as its a bit of a sharp bend to get in the closest cylinder if u no wat i mean like ginga was running 50hp shot so lets just say 12hp per cylinder.i dnt think that happens id say the furthest cylinder is getting most of the nitrous as it squirts through which mite explain y every problem ginga had was with cylinder 1 and wen using nitrous

dont quote me on this but has'nt pimpulsar had the same problem ???


Active Member
I sold my Nitrous as I didn't trust it anymore for the very reasons Dave mentioned above apart from I think it was the fuel not getting to all the cylinders properly and not the gas If i was to do it again I would only use a direct port system as mentioned above as its the only sure way to get a equal amount of fuel and gas into each cylinder :wink:


never ever ever use a dry system without uprated fuel pump AND injectors.

I would never use a dry kit anyway.

Mr Overboooost

Sirnixalot said:
never ever ever use a dry system without uprated fuel pump AND injectors.

I would never use a dry kit anyway.

unless you are totally insane :lol:


New Member
Well my car has a dry system set-up on it, but i havn't used it as it didn't come with a nos bottle when i bought it. Im sure some of you know of the previous owner of my R 'Mr Phil Cavanagh', who had the dry system set up on it.

I dont actually want to use it in the future neither, coz i would rather get power out of my engine a different way. :wink:

He actually wrote a little article about it, so if you can be arsed reading about it then here it is :

http://www.gtiroc.com/articles/r_articles/NOS_guide/GTI-R NOS Guide.htm



Mr Overboooost

heres something i found on wet and dry kits

Here are a couple FAQs

Q.what is the difference between a wet and a dry kit ?
A. A dry kit injects nitrous oxide , where as a wet kit injects petrol and nitrous oxide.
a dry kit is used mainly for diesel engines , using on a petrol engine will result in very poor gains , if you were to use a dry kit to go for large gains then your engine would end up running lean and get severely damaged, the wet kit ensures the correct fuel and air mixtures are injected into the engine to stop this from happening .

Q.will nitrous oxide damage my engine?
A.No, providing you do not add more than 50 percent extra power to your vehicle these kits will not cause any engine damage , so for example if your car is 100hp it is SAFE to add an additional 50 hp using a nitrous system

Fast Guy

Staff member
gtir.spares said:
Q.will nitrous oxide damage my engine?
A.No, providing you do not add more than 50 percent extra power to your vehicle these kits will not cause any engine damage , so for example if your car is 100hp it is SAFE to add an additional 50 hp using a nitrous system
That will be dependant on the engine being in a good state of health in the first place. If you bang it on an old wreck, don't be surprised it if all goes tits up. :wink:

Mr Overboooost

no one in there right mind would put NOS on a old banger anyway unless they wanted to see how much the car would take before it went bang :lol:

gary :)