
All those running an oil accumulator; where have you mounted it and how is it plumbed into the engine?

I'm thinking of trying to stick it somewhere in the engine bay if I can cram it in. Also, is there a tapped hole in the block somwhere where I can plumb this in to, or is it just a case of using a oil filter sandwhich plate?



Well-Known Member
On my engine there was a port on the oil filter housing that I used, one of the fittings in the kit should screw straight in


Well-Known Member
It's not supposed to have a check valve otherwise it won't work as it's intended, check the canton website for instructions james


It's not supposed to have a check valve otherwise it won't work as it's intended, check the canton website for instructions james
Then why does the image in the instruction manual show a check valve? How do you prevent the oil flow backwards through the oil pump?

It's not supposed to have a check valve otherwise it won't work as it's intended, check the canton website for instructions james
Yer cheers mate, I have downloaded the manual. i was just wondering if the block had a threaded hole directly in the block.

There was a check valve in the kit you supplied me mate, but thats for an oil cooler set up (as ducie54 has shown).


Well-Known Member
To stop the oil flowing backwards through the filter not through the pump, if you put a check valve in when you put the pipe to the port on the oil filter housing you stop the accusump supplying oilwhen you need it


If you don't have a check vale what's stops the oil going both directions. Back into the sump via the pickup/too the crank and head. Did you test yours after you fitted it?


Staff member
Isn't that the point? - When there's no oil pressure it puts it back in, and when there is it stores it for the next time.


My understanding is it supplies the head and crank with oil during low or no pressure depending on how you have set it up. Why would you want oil flow back into the airatted pump, if the oil flows the direction with the least resistance what's to says all the oil flows back to the pump and out the pick up? The instructions have a check valve for a reason. Why is that?

The anti drain back valve in the oil filter wasn't designed to prevent oil pressure going the opposite direction.

Mr B

If your refer to the Fitting Guide section 2 & 3 for use with spin on filter take off plate or direct feed to output oilway you would have no check valve.
I think I would go with a remote filter & either a feed-off adapter or completely remove filter neck for a block feed-off plate & run remote filter/check valve as is a better precaution to eliminate any oil reverse flowing ...
Makes perfect sense what your saying. If the pump runs dry though, it stops sucking up oil, but there will still be oil in the system after the pump so even if the accusump does pump oil back to the pump, it will only flow briefly until it hits the pump (which will then stop it flowing backwards). The pump won't pump oil through if there is no oil on pickup, so the oil after the pump stays there until the pickup sees oil again. It's easier for oil to flow through the block and head than it is back through the pump.
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Well-Known Member
Isn't that the point? - When there's no oil pressure it puts it back in, and when there is it stores it for the next time.

And yes i did test it and it worked fine, the idea is when the ignition is switched on the stored pressure in the accusump primes the system, when the pump doesn't pick up oil the accusump carries on with the job, it's being pressurised by the oil pump all the time, if a check valves is fitted all that will happen is the accusump will be pumped up to pressure at startup then if the pump loses suction the accusump can't push any oil in as someones stupidy fitted a check valve to stop it.

Imagine the accusump simply as an extension of the main oil gallery, the other side of the piston in the accusump is very low pressure (only 10psi iirc) that increases as the oil pressure increases.
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James check the image for the location of the check valve in the system. Its there to stop flow backwards thought the oil cooler, filter then the pump. Not the other direction.

Another pic for the challenged.

Most efficient way IMO would be to remote mount the oil filter with a check valve that way ur not reling on the oil filter and pump to stop oil flow in the opposite direction. Well thats how im doing mine.
Yer I see what you mean mate, the check valve is needed in that setup, but in the setup i shall be using (straight into the oil filter stem) I wont need the check valve.
I think that set up is a good idea though, gives me an excuse to buy an oil cooler now ;) haha


Staff member
Does the oil filter have a check valve in it already, or is that a "bypass" valve for when the filter has become too clogged?

Mr B

Oil filter has bypass valve for clogged & cold high viscosity oil bypass & silicone flapper anti drain valve but quality of these varies a lot on what filter supplier you use & incorporating a setup that uses a oneway check valve is a precuation against oil filter damage & helps ensure best performance from accumulator ...