Alarm/clifford problem HELP!!!!!! ;)


New Member
Hi guys, iv recently bought another gtir that is in need of some work, problem iv got is the guy who had it before decided to remove his turbo timer and goodies from inside the car,
now as soon as i put the battery on all i get is a buzzing from the clifford alarm main control box underneath the dashboard, is this a problem with the alarm box or is it more than likely a dodgy wiring problem maybe from where he's removed his bits, it buzzes louder when i turn the ignition on aswell???

if anyone know's any clifford or alarm specialists that would be great too

would be very appreciative if anyone could help or point me in the right direcetion



Staff member
I'd take a guess that it's dodgy wiring; something is upset about a wire having been cut or re-joined.

It could also be that the internal battery is completely dead, and the noise is it trying to operate on marginal voltage (i.e. it comes alive, but the dead battery prevents it from doing anything). - If it doesn't drive you bat-shit insane, you could leave the battery in and see if it charges and shuts-up.

Keep an eye on it though; if it is a short the first you might know is when smoke starts coming from under the dash!