

What alarms are you guys useing? I have a clifford dont know what one it is dont know how too use it it apart from open close! Wouldnt mind one that lowers insurance etc as i dont have a cert or nothing for the onne fitted i know it has full closure and remote start tho!

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
Go to a alarm install place or even a garage headed letter stating car reg chasis number etc. sounds like a cat 1 if it dose full closeure send that to insurance company or am i missing something is ther now certain ones that lower it even more ? Fusion Edd mentioned a tracker system a while back dont know if he dose them


Staff member
As above; all I've got for insurance is a certificate from an auto-electrician who has inspected and verified the alarm system.

I'm pretty sure Edd does sell tracker systems, and they were reasonably priced compared to some you can get.


cool ill go for that then save changeing it out now all i need too do is fine out what model/version it is so i can work out how it works haha and for the tracker my mates got one from ironicly a company called tracker they do a tracker for around 300 fitted it works everywhere even in containers etc