Alot of pulsars up for for sale.


Noticed recently that there are a s**t load of pulsars for sale, loads on ebay, lots on auto trader, and a few people selling up on here, but i thought the market for pulsars has dropped, so why sell when the market is at rock bottom? should you not wait until no one wants to sell their pulsar, then sell yours, supply and demand and all that?

Also, i wonder why people are getting rid in the first place, cost of running, insurance maybe?


i was thinking the same earlier. and i think they have gone up in price a bit in the last month, also christmas is coming and people need the dosh! good time to get a bargain if you have the readies lining your pocket!


Well the reason is new pulsar owners of this time and age think okay i have my saxo sell it for 4k so i can now by a pulsar which they saw blast up the road.

Fine so they buy the car.

Damm think i need to sell after a month of ownership


-lack of research into the car, in my days i researched a year on the pulsar before buying it so don't need to ask these stupid questions such as is it reliable, what mods to do, how much boost?
If you had studied before buying you would know all of the answers

-buy car forget about insurance cost, damm didn't know it costs an extra 2 grand more to insure than my saxo

-servicing costs, you can't buy a pulsar and drive it about without service or maintance. oil and filter change every 3-5k miles, do a general check, they are old cars so not going to last long without services

-they buy pulsars that have been trashed or are dogs and think its not what they expected so sell up, well put them into a well sorted and looked after pulsar and they will see the differance

-to be honest the pulsar once modified can't be an everyday car, to those of you that it is well done, but the saxo owner can't expect his pulsar with 300bhp+ to start on him day in day out like his saxo with out servcing or tlc

-damm i can't tow the pulsar, well i'll try and they fook everything up

THE ANSWER IS THE NEW AGE PULSAR OWNERS ARE BLIND FOOKERS WHO ARE SPOILING THE PULSAR NAME. For those newbie pulsar owners who are still here after a year or hard ownership good on you.

Most of the newbie posts are, just had my pulsar one day and somethings wrong, well if you went over the car with a comb it would be fine, then next thing you know their first post is their last because they have sold up or piled it into a lamp post.


finally i hate all these new age pulsar owners who are buying these ebay front mount kits for £100 instead of the old generation owners forking out real money and going for the original front mounts
e.g skyline intercooler, forge, pace etc..
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andrew said:
i researched a year on the pulsar before buying it so don't need to ask these stupid questions



finally i hate all these new age pulsar owners who are buying these ebay front mount kits for £100 instead of the old generation owners forking out real money and going for the original front mounts
e.g skyline intercooler, forge, pace etc..
yeah, i agree with you there. You must be a real tw@t to buy an intercooler that will be good for over 500bhp with a half decent pipe run for under £200 when you could go and buy one that costs more than 3 times that :der:

what a dumbass :lol:


lol, you fooking non starting yellow banger post storking wiesel, you know what i mean, you telling me you don't miss the good old days then. Or have you changed as well to the new bread of loosers

gtir bean

New Member
if a pulsar is looked after and not running too much bhp it can be driven day in day out without a problem.i would say mine is the most reliable car i have owned.


Active Member
andrew said:
lol, you fooking non starting yellow banger post storking wiesel, you know what i mean, you telling me you don't miss the good old days then. Or have you changed as well to the new bread of loosers
What you're saying still doesn't make sense, although I do agree with most of what you've said prior to that ;)

And yeah there are a few cars up for sale, but not really any more than other marques I don't think - this is an owners club, there'll always be cars up on here.



South West Regional Rep
There are lots of Skylines/Supras etc up for sale at the mo, don't think it's just the Pulsars


There is a lot of everything around for sale at the moment. Even Skyline owners can't sell their decent R33 GTR's for 12k, Evo5's are going for 8-9k etc etc. Mainly time of the year, but also the sheer running costs.

There are some poor Pulsars around, they are old and tatty, which isn't a bad thing, but without TLC by various owners, they are just a time bomb. To buy a 3k pulsar thinking its a bargain and then moan when it needs a box rebuild, new turbo etc etc is stupid, its part of their running costs.

I bought the best I could find 6 years ago, looked after it as much as I could, and intend to keep it more again for years to come as my weekend 3rd car. I love it, and as much as I have looked at others, I don't want to part with it. It does everything I want and is bloody damn good raw fun.

I don't know, maybe modern hatchs are becoming so more powerfull these days (eg 220-250bhp+) for less than 20k that people think they are a better bet brand new becuase the performance isn't too far off our older specials (when std) with the bonus of new, warranty, toys, image etc. They rush into selling their older cars but can't sell it becuase possible buyers are thinking the same thing??


New Member
Cars dont always go cheap because they are fooked, Fair enough i was trying to get rid of mine with a nackerd ps pump and coolant temp sensor, but i was trying to get myself out of a bit of a financial nightmare, thats since been resolved.

I was going to let mine go for £1800 but saw sence at the last minute and im now keeping it.


yep i agree with neil!

not all 3k cars are rubbish, you could spend double that and still have loads of aggro.
lets face it, cars devalue and you can now pickup a pulsar for a grand! ok it may need work done, but why pay 7k on one and that may require work in a few months or less of owning it?

i would not pay more than £1500 for one now and i would spend £3,000 rebuilding it, then you know for £4,500 you have a very good car which should give you years of trouble free motoring and that money spent will also include lots of mods, big brakes etc etc.

theres a lot of people that have spent thousands upon thousands on there cars, and unless you find a mug you will not get back half maybe even qualter of the money youve spent!
my car has now set me in nearlly seven grand with purchase costs, and yes, what a car, modded to the hilt BUT if i sold it tomorrow i would not expect to get more than £3,500 for it, its sad but a fact of life.

95% of people now will not spend ridiculous amounts of money on an old car.


I'm not saying there are not nice 3k pulsars around, what I meant is some people expect a cheap car to buy will have cheap running costs.

Spend money on an old car?.......I'd rather spend it on an old car,its servicing, paint and mods that I get enjoyment from, than just loose it in depreciation that a lot do these days. In fact most people lose far more on depeciation than we spend on our Pulsars.


I have to say that i have noticed alot of R's for sale recently, but that is only becasue i am looking for another as soon as I sell my jeep.
However i think it is to do with this time of the year, if the R is you second car, use for fun only and are a bit skint for the festive season that could be a good reason to sell.


South West Regional Rep
pulsarboby said:
i would not pay more than £1500 for one now and i would spend £3,000 rebuilding it, then you know for £4,500 you have a very good car which should give you years of trouble free motoring and that money spent will also include lots of mods, big brakes etc etc.
Can't decide to do what you said above of pay for one that has been looked after by a club member. There are pros and cons for both like the amount of money a lower priced one would cost to have the brakes etc all fitted. However if you by an expensive one and then the engine fails etc then you are even more out of pocket :doh:


kenan said:
Can't decide to do what you said above of pay for one that has been looked after by a club member. There are pros and cons for both like the amount of money a lower priced one would cost to have the brakes etc all fitted. However if you by an expensive one and then the engine fails etc then you are even more out of pocket :doh:
look at it this way, these cars are old now and troublesome, my brother bought a scooby not long ago with a so called 350bhp, had it 2 months and blew the engine!
lets face it, these cars are not modded to 300-400bhp to go for a sunday drive;-) and you have to be extremely lucky to buy one, drive it like ya stole it, and have no major probs with it!
where as if you buy one with a duff engine or box etc, you can rebuild it to your own spec knowing that you have a good few miles in it before it breaks:-D
that is assuming you do the work yourself and havent got to pay someone else to do it, which is a major factor in your final decision

forgot to add a lot of mods like brakes, fmic, coilovers, forged pistons can now be bought very cheap on ebay and this site etc etc
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South West Regional Rep
I fancy doing as much as I can myself. I modified my 205 from standard and really know the car; however my Skyline I got as is and knows very little about it in that way. If I could get one with a tidy body I could start from there (or paint it yellow :) ) But don't want the car off the road for weeks at a time, they guy who would do the work I can't is cheap but no tuner. Hmmmmm decisions decisions, least I got to sell the Skyline first to give me time to make my mind up.....