Alternator bolt


Need the long bolt for the alternator if anyone has one kicking around.

Just found out mine had come undone (as they do) but I can't get a nut on the end as the bolts been rattling around for ages and destroyed the thread. Also the little tab on the end is missing (where it stops it turning)

On a side note... how the hell do you get the bolt out? It just seems to hit the manifold. Also the little bush thing is only half in the alternator makinh it even harder.

I've had to give up now as I was getting angry.


Active Member
i had the same problem ages ago,i used some 8-10mm threaded bar about 5-6 inch long with two lock nuts and washers,and did them as tight as i could and i aint had a problem since so i hope that helps buddy.


il have one if still needed, but as stu said, bit of threaded rod from hardware shop will do the job just aswell!


Cheers guys.

I'm actually still getting the alternator off at the moment. Couldn't get the bolt out as the collar thing is half way in the alternator and the bolt just hits the exhaust manifold. Ended up taking the air-con compressor off which has involved all sorts of malarky!!

I'm currently reading on here how to remove the air-con gas as when I spin the compressor wheel it makes a nasty noise anyway so I assume the bearing in their is goosed. What I've decided to do is leave all the air-con bits in place apart from the compressor incase I decide I want it again one day.