Another clunk thread


I’ve done searches for ‘clunks’ and ‘clonks’ which have helped, but could do with a few more opinions.

Every time I get into my car now, turn on the engine and turn the steering wheel left or right I get a clunk. Loud enough and hard enough to feel through the wheel.

Strange thing is it hardly even happens after this initial clunk, and only occurs again if I leave the car and come back to it the next day.

Makes me think its steering rack / pump / hydraulics related if it only ‘resets’ itself after the car has been standing a while.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
you have a cat sleeping on your wheels at night, when you start the car and turn the wheel the cat sits up and bashes his head on the inner wing :p

when you say turn the wheel is that with no forward motion at all? my rear brakes sometimes make that noise when i drop the handbrake and move off first thing in the morning, or when iv washed the car.


New Member
Have you got lowered suspension?? If so you may find its something to with that, the suspension will be settling out/resetting itself.

If it was happening all the time i would go for steering rack, brackets etc.



Dooie Pop Pop said:
you have a cat sleeping on your wheels at night, when you start the car and turn the wheel the cat sits up and bashes his head on the inner wing.
I’ve got Nismo cat-guards on each wheel, but I haven’t yet ruled out foxes or dogs.

It is lowered on D2’s and will knock most loudly when stationary. It sometimes makes the noise again during the first low speed left turn (happens to be the first turn at the end of my driveway).


New Member
Sounds like the springs are trying to reset themselves each time you turn a corner, i used to get this on my old Cav, was a pain in the bottom :roll:

You could try getting the camber re set to suit your suspension setup at the mo, that will probably get rid of the noise and twisting of the springs :wink:

Have a look at the top of the strut where it pokes through the inner wing to see if the rubber bush is ok and not damaged in any way.



The coilovers are only about three months old, and I'm pretty sure the noise isn't coming from that area, I'll check em out though.

You can feel it quite sharply through the steering wheel, makes me think its more steering/steering rack related. What can go wrong with these?


New Member
Make sure that the brackets and bolts etc that attach the rack to the bulk head are tight and haven't worked themselves loose.

Im not 100% sure but if the teeth inside the rack wear then it would cause the rack to slip at certain places along it. If you can see if it is a certain position along the rack i.e. count how many turns it is until the clunk or slip etc.

If you can get someone to turn the steering wheel for you while your underneath looking and listening, you may be able to narrow down the search that way.

If you have time and patience lol id jack the front end up and check the wheel bearings and various bushes for wear, you can normally see it if its a bush worn/knackered as it will push itself out of the housing or the bar or arm may move excessively etc.



New Member
CruiseGTi-R said:
The coilovers are only about three months old, and I'm pretty sure the noise isn't coming from that area, I'll check em out though.
You could have a knackered coilover.

Mine have been creaking and banging for 3 years now. I’ve been told it’s because the oil has gone off and need replacing and serving.

Did you buy the coilovers brand new or second hand?


I also had this problem with the front D2's on my car, got them replaced under warranty though and now they are fine :wink:


Crazy said:
I also had this problem with the front D2's on my car, got them replaced under warranty though and now they are fine :wink:
What problem did you have, same clunk but only after car's been at standstill for a while?