Another KJ7 query...


Staff member
Ok, I've been looking at the new minis and wondering how close that ivory paint is to mine. - Does any one know how close a match it is?

The reason being I'm after some touch-up paint so that I can make my car look pretty before JTS. If the mini paint is close enough, then it's an easy, off-the-shelf solution.

Failing that, I'm back to trying to find a paint shop who can do it (they usually tell me that either (a) KJ7 is Nissan Grey or (b) that they don't have anything in their charts for a Nissan Ivory). - I've tried Nissan in the past, but they never respond.


Active Member
Tbh mate you may struggle a bit here to get the right shade.
The light grey kj7 is the right ivory colour for are cars,its not a light grey it is ivory white,its just listed as a grey?lol.
The trouble is it is so hard to get the match perfect.
I have had paints of 3 different different supplers (kj7 light grey) and they are all slightly different to each other and none of them are a perfect match for my car.
Most of them are to light for my car,i have even had someone try and match the paint for me starting with kj7 and tryed to darken it up a bit but it turned out to greeny.
If i was you i would just order normal kj7 light grey and see how it looks,i once tryed just to match it by eye from the colour charts with opel marble beige and i thought it looked a good match until i tryed it and it was miles out lol.the normal kj7 was much closer.
My car has been resprayed in the past but i am still sure it was kj7.The trouble with my car it never really looks the same shade all the time lol at different angles and light it always looks different,sometimes white to sandy white to greeny white lol.
Is yours the same at different angles?
Heres the colour mine is...



Staff member
Thanks, that's the most useful bit of advice I've had on the subject! - Listed as grey, but it's actually ivory!? No wonder they can never find the colour when I ask.

Maybe that's the problem someone has had in the past with mine. There's one panel that has been sprayed a slightly lighter colour (and not blended well); I always thought that someone had bought the white paint (531) by mistake!

Here's a recent one of mine; you can see all the bits that need a touch-up at the front.


New Member
When you get some paint mixed make sure they mix the tinters well before they start.
Paint supliers are very lazy in my experiance.


Active Member
If its just on the bumpers you maybe alright,my bumpers and plastics always seemed slightly lighter than the bodywork for some reason and when i painted a set of mud flaps with one of the first kj7's i brought it matched up pretty well with the bumper.


Staff member
No, I've got all the bits of rust that I need to grind out; prime; fill if necessary (I appreciate that this isn't going to last indefinitely); and touch-up.

Here's one of the front that shows the two-tone panel:

It might look like a shadow or a reflection of something, but that's actually the change in the paint colour.


Staff member
Ok - I've been spamming paint suppliers, and I've got confirmation:
The formula for Nissan code KJ7 is mainly white with a small amount of yellow plus a trace of black.
I think it's safe to go forward. - I think I tried them before Martyn (and they told me that KJ7 was grey), but I might try them again now... if they can post it instead of asking me to collect in person.