another problem !



hi, been for a drive today i drove 50 mile to sunderland and 50 mile back on a red hot summers day without a problem, got back and let the car tick over for 30 seconds to cool down and noticed the exhaust smoking and the water temp at 120 degrees !!
now there is an awful rattle on the engine seems to be coming from the top end ,it didnt do it when i set off on the way back home :?
anybody know what could be wrong with it overheating or what this rattle is ??

Fast Guy

Staff member
Head gasket? Check your water level and maybe do a compression test. Water pump may have gone causing it to overheat and blow the head gasket, but I hope not.

What colour is the smoke?

mad max

newbie2 said:
hi, been for a drive today i drove 50 mile to sunderland and 50 mile back on a red hot summers day without a problem, got back and let the car tick over for 30 seconds to cool down and noticed the exhaust smoking and the water temp at 120 degrees !!
now there is an awful rattle on the engine seems to be coming from the top end ,it didnt do it when i set off on the way back home :?
anybody know what could be wrong with it overheating or what this rattle is ??
You don't get much luck with your car mate .


the smoke was a light blue colour when i switched the engine off, when i restarted it 20 mins later the smoke had gone but the engine was still rattly.


well been back out and started it after its had plenty of time to cool down and the engine rattle has gone but is smoking slightly but just looks like steam so i think it will probably clear.
im very suprised the engine rattle has gone .
i forgot to mention that i only have 1 fan cooling the radiator because 1 was removed to fit the turbo there, so could only having 1 fan be the trouble ?
think i need a thicker radiator, anybody tell me where to get 1 from ?


do you know why it smoked when it overheated ? and why it now seems to be clearing ?


ok the rattling seems like the cam chain,which is only slight but doesn't go away when the engine is warmed up.
is this cause for concern ? as it didnt rattle before it overheated but when it overheated it rattled like fook but now its only slightly rattling permanently.