Anoying airflow, random problem


Active Member
Hi guys,

Looking for a bit of advise on top of what I have and will be trying out.

Basicly I had 700cc injectors, a z32 and a safc that had been previously mapped for them with my dead 3071,

now I wanted to just stick the stock injectors in, stock afm and initialise the safc and set it to the 4 cylinder etc and sensor settings for the pulsar, so its is just not actualy doing anything,

I replaced the injectors, and afm to stock, initialised the safc2 and put in the correct settings to my understanding, tried starting it and it sounded like a sack of spuds, was overfueling seriously bad, it was reading on the safc over 68% air intake or whatever when idling,

the only thing that I thought may be an issue was the afm as when wiring up the plug and afm it sparked as I was too dumb and lazy to disconect battery,

I have replaced afm and it is still being a **** to me :doh:, could it be the ecu that I may have fried

i have a spare mines ecu to put on but was just wondering what you guys think

I also bypassed the safc and it still ran like a scanky subaru so its quite anoying. Also the battery died on me and its 40 miles away at my cousins farm so its pretty demorolising keep traveling up every cold night to have it not run :lol:

any ideas will be welcome




i burnt a track last week on my ecu because of a z32 maf upgrade and it would not let me go over 3000 rpm even @ wot on neutral

a mistake i did was wrong wiring, but it was just flooding, it was always reading 5v on the afm .. = not good ahah

for the ecu, mine have been repaired since, for 5$ in an tv repair store ;)
open the ecu cover and check for brown/black track.

after trying a lot, my spark plug was so wet of fuel, even if everything was ok, he was still running like sh...

a stuck injector ?


Active Member
yer that does sound like a good possibility tbh, that was my next port of call the ecu, will swap it and see, it does sound just like what yours was doing seems to be half flooding


Active Member
I will do a fault code check just been a pain as I forgot to take some kind of wire to do it so thats another thing I will have to make sure to do see what it says, be ok if it wasnt so far away lol cheers for the advise


Active Member
Done a fault code and its 12, think the plug wiring is at fault so will have to re done and see from there :)

Empty Pockets

New Member
Tom, sell that safc on, it's more hassle than it's worth, and absolutely pointless if you're getting it mapped.
You're using a standard set-up so it's doing nothing anyway?


Active Member
Yer I did disconnect it this time im not stupid enough to do the same mistake twice ;)
im not getting it mapped I have found a mines ecu in my other car so im setting it up with the safc and a innovate wideband so I do need it :)
so it must be the plug as the wring was a bodge from when I had the z32 on it anyway just twizled the wires around so I dont think that will work,

Empty Pockets

New Member
It's your wiring or ecu, i told you this last week before i sent you the other airflow meter, no wires should be twisted together, solder them.
It's 100% not the afm's or the injectors off my Norris engine i lent you.
Best bet is to get someone who knows what they're doing to have a look at it mate, should take 10 mins to diagnose, swapping your ecu over only takes a minute, can't believe you haven't done it.


Yer I did disconnect it this time im not stupid enough to do the same mistake twice ;)
im not getting it mapped I have found a mines ecu in my other car so im setting it up with the safc and a innovate wideband so I do need it :)
so it must be the plug as the wring was a bodge from when I had the z32 on it anyway just twizled the wires around so I dont think that will work,

as russ cant do that tom, those wires need soldering correctly or it will alter the resistance of the wiring to them, you could end up damaging the afm by wiring being loosely twizzled together.

also setting up an safc to run alongside a mines ecu is crazy:shock:
why on earth would you want to do something like that?
its a pre-chipped unit and your gonna try altering the chip by means of an safc piggyback unit which may well conflict with it and give you even more troubles.
youve already blown one engine up surely you dont want another going the same route lol
dont mean to sound harsh but you need to think carefully about what your doing here i thinks;-)


Active Member
It's your wiring or ecu, i told you this last week before i sent you the other airflow meter, no wires should be twisted together, solder them.
It's 100% not the afm's or the injectors off my Norris engine i lent you.
Best bet is to get someone who knows what they're doing to have a look at it mate, should take 10 mins to diagnose, swapping your ecu over only takes a minute, can't believe you haven't done it.

Dont think you actualy ever replied to what I asked, I wasnt sure if it was the afm or not as the battery died and I couldnt do a fault code check or anything so I just asumed that it may be the two things I changed the afm etc .I think I assumed to quickly so sorry for not checking the plug my fucking bad lol :doh: I think I exaggerated over the wire thing...

I dont think it realy has any difference if it was a norris engine or not

its taken so long as I have no car as my cambelt snapped so I have been having to get my dad to drive me 40 miles to even look at it, and when its blowing a gale on top of a hill in the fog on a farm at 10 oclock at night sometimes its nice to just ask someone for some ideas and not shoot me down :roll:

the battery had died so I also couldnt do a fault code so was just trying to get as many bits to cover the thing as possible to swap one by one and try it. I have sorted now myself so its no big deal you can soon have the injectors and stuff back :)

Bob I didnt realy blow the engine up I brought it like that, it was running when I took it down it was the turbo I blew ;-)

and STU666V runs a mines and safc, wasnt it you russ who ran the stock turbo on 2 bar :der: I might simplify shit when im writing but I do know about cars im not just a chump with money, just dont always have the time to do stuff myself as is life,

bed time.

Empty Pockets

New Member
LOL, Get over yourself you tit, you're taking it the wrong way.
You're umming and arring thinking it's the injectors in one of you're previous posts, I'm telling you the injectors are fine as they were RUNNING on my norris engine, that is all.
So you've driven x amount of miles and stood in a hurricane blah blah blah to get to the car to do a fault code check, come back and say it's an afm fault (code 12?) and you still haven't tried your other ecu, you must like wasting your own time lol ?

You told me by pm that you've been changing the wiring from z32 to standard with the battery connected, i told you that you've blown the maf or ecu, i then say don't worry if you've blown the maf i lent you, you can keep it, and send you another one to borrow out of my own pocket.

So now you've tried the other maf, not bothered trying your ecu, and are asking for more solutions without trying the one's you've been given, talking about twizzeling afm wires together, and i'm the chump lol ??? As said, i thought it was your ecu, but now you've mentioned your obvious electrical skils, i'm saying ecu or wiring...

And the comment about running 2bar is comical, you can have a laugh on me the day i post a thread asking why 'my turbo's miraculously stopped working, anyone know why?' lol

Sounds like you need the sleep Tom, have yourself a lay in.

Empty Pockets

New Member
And btw, That take the battery off..... comment was a bit of humour, talking to you by pm i thought we were on the same wavelength with the sarcasm/jokes, didn't think i needed to use lol's and smilies all the time, maybe that's my fault for assuming i was just talking to someone like minded after a few beers ?

Sorry you took it that way, i've only ever tried to help you, not make you look stupid, i would've thought that was pretty obvious considering ?

Just out of interest, what was the problem now that you've solved it ?