Any advice is welcome! please help


New Member
The problem i have is that,
i went to owen devlopments yesterday to have my s-afc setup on the rolling road.
The car was just short of making 220bhp, it is running 1 bar(yawn) with the solinoid pipes looped, mongoose front section with decat and zigen5 middle to rear box. It has a standard airbox, uprated fuel pump and new 360 thrust turbo.
The guy i bought it from said that it has an uprated actuator, i have looked at it and there is no identification on it, are the R's actuator's supposed to have anything written on. Could this be the problem??

The ignition timing was checked and it was fine and there are no fault codes. The car never smokes or has any strange noises.
The car is 100% reliable and i have done 4k miles in the last 3 months. i have owned this one for 4 months. the performance is exactly as when i first bought it. It has had a full service including plugs.
I did'nt think it was so much down on power.
It has good oil pressure and as i said before it displays no signs of any problems

I spoke to hiteq and they suggested that the zigen5 middle and back section could be blocked up and that the car would benefit from a goose middle and rear and also i should put an induction kit on. They said the zigen and trust exhaust's often get blocked up(baffles become old and block the air way)

What are all of you opinions and do you think that and exhaust and filter will raise the bhp to circa 280 thats what i thought they should run with the solinoid looped.

Sorry if i went on and any thoughts and help is much appreciated
Thanks in advance
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I love Rob xxx
First off,what's the point of asking a well respected person like Ian for his advice,then coming on here asking the same questions? Do you not trust the advice he's given you or, is it maybe you think we're more knowledgeable? :doh: :lol:

There's obviously something very wrong as those figures are very low for a car running 1 bar.

Owen developments is the "only" tuner that does not get slagged off by Rob on a regular basis,so what did they say.

If you trust Owen enough to pay them to set up your car,why do you not trust them to diagnose the problem?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Was that atw or atf? ATW would be spot on, ATF wold be a problem.

How exactly have you achieved the 1bar? (what have you connected where) and do you have it showing on an accurate gauge? if it's 220 ATF that should be around 6 on the standard jap boost gauge.


Active Member
good ol' bruce helpful as ever! :D.did mark check the vehicle? owen are good but not brilliant i know from experience, what did owen say the problem was?


I love Rob xxx
zia said:
good ol' bruce helpful as ever! :D.did mark check the vehicle? owen are good but not brilliant i know from experience, what did owen say the problem was?
Well WTF do you expect?

He'll ask Owen for an opinion.

He'll ask Ian for an opinion.

He'll ask on here for opinions.

He'll end up getting loads of theories from the sublime to the ridiculous from the peeps on here that'll do nothing but waste his time.

He should've listened to Ian and done the exhaust.

You carry on and nurture him if that's what floats your boat ;-)
Fast Guy's question (as usual) is the most pertinent. If they took the readings at the wheels, then 220 would be bob-on for 1 bar (~280 at the flywheel).

If you have 220 at the flywheel, then your car's shit-slow ;)


New Member
Thanks for all of your help, i think!!

That figure was at the flywheel, to answer fastguys question to achieve one bar the two pipes that were plugged into the solinoid were joined together and the original solionoid was looped together with a small piece of pipe.

Mark at own's did do the work, he did not give much reason for why/what he thought was the problem, other than it may be the rear section of the exhaust.

What i find hard to understand is that 60-70bhp is being lost due to the middle rear section. I posted for some help, not because i don't respect hiteq/owens opinion i just thought maybe someone else may have experienced such a thing.

Thanks again for your help even the critism i suppose it is constructive!!


I love Rob xxx
mds said:
Thanks for all of your help, i think!!

That figure was at the flywheel, to answer fastguys question to achieve one bar the two pipes that were plugged into the solinoid were joined together and the original solionoid was looped together with a small piece of pipe.

Mark at own's did do the work, he did not give much reason for why/what he thought was the problem, other than it may be the rear section of the exhaust.

What i find hard to understand is that 60-70bhp is being lost due to the middle rear section. I posted for some help, not because i don't respect hiteq/owens opinion i just thought maybe someone else may have experienced such a thing.

Thanks again for your help even the critism i suppose it is constructive!!
So that's 2 tuners have blamed the exhaust.How many times do you want telling? :lol:

A blocked/collapsed exhaust will rob you of a lot of power


Active Member
oap-r said:
A blocked/collapsed exhaust will rob you of a lot of power
For the same reasons that you buy a 'big bore' exhaust in the first place !

If it has the original cat in there, that could exacerbate the problem as, it could be damaged/on its last legs too !


There may actually be nothing wrong with your exhaust whatsoever.

Was Ian suggestion that it was the exhaust based on looking at the exhaust, or just kind advice over the phone.

It could be lots of things and 60bhp odd is a lot to lose via a crumbly exhaust.

Buy a boost gauge or borrow one and actually confirm to yourself that you're running 1bar.
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New Member
Hiteq based their assumption that it was the exhaust over the phone, not by looking at it.

I have checked the boost with an accurate gauge and it is running 1 bar definately.

I will go ahead as suggested and change the middle rear boxes. Someone asked if the car was decat. It is decatted.
Could someone please tell me what actuator the car should have, the one in there at the moment i was told is uprated but there is no identifivation on it.

Thanks for all your help


Seems a shame to spend money on new exhaust pieces when you're not sure. Ian's was only as suggestion over the phone like you said.

Change your fuel filter for good measure too. Has it got a newish/upgraded fuel pump, throw one of those in as a must.

You could just take the exhaust boxes off, if its obviously rattly and crumbling then replace it anyway. (If you're not sure you could go for a quick run without the box on and see if it suddenly claws back 60bhp?? It'll be a bit noisy, but a quick burst and you'll soon know if your exhaust is the cause).


Active Member
I wanna know why tuners think that putting a piece of pipe across the solenoid does anything:roll: I keep hearing this, i`m not an expert but even I can tell this does f**k all:der:

(i`m probably gonna look like a right t**t in a min:doh: )


New Member
cruise gtir thanks for your input.
The car has just had a new fuel filter and uprated fuel pump
I may try it with the exhaust sections removed,
thanks again


New Member
oap-r said:
First off,what's the point of asking a well respected person like Ian for his advice,then coming on here asking the same questions? Do you not trust the advice he's given you or, is it maybe you think we're more knowledgeable? :doh: :lol:

There's obviously something very wrong as those figures are very low for a car running 1 bar.

Owen developments is the "only" tuner that does not get slagged off by Rob on a regular basis,so what did they say.

If you trust Owen enough to pay them to set up your car,why do you not trust them to diagnose the problem?
more opinions are better and maybe some one on here has had the same prob before, hes only asking advice, not sarcy muppets who have nothing better to do,thats the thing what spoils this site.
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turbo tic

New Member

i had the same problem with a thrust exhaust the back box was choked,i took off exhaust from the cat and tried running it then puttin one section on at a time.wat rpm's does it take for it to spool up 1 bar?


in my opinion tunners will tell you anything if it meens taking your car to them and paying shit loads of cash,all this guy is doing is asking for some advice and buy the sounds of things (OAP-R) YOU CANT give good advice so why reply.:yawn:


I love Rob xxx
tinkasturbo said:
in my opinion tunners will tell you anything if it meens taking your car to them and paying shit loads of cash,all this guy is doing is asking for some advice and buy the sounds of things (OAP-R) YOU CANT give good advice so why reply.:yawn:
So the guy asks Owen and Hiteq for opinions,then asks the same question on the forum.

Does that not sound to you like someone taking the pi$$?

When you ask his sort of question on an open forum you'll get guys answering with loads of possible solutions because his sisters boyfriends uncle had it happen to him once with his poobaroo.

Whereas Ian or Owen have probably seen the same scenario dozens of times on an R and have given their opinion on what is the most likely cause of his lack of power.

If you are incapable of logical thought......just go away.You won't be missed :thumbsup:


New Member
oap-r said:
Pull your neck in :evil:

Too many cooks and all that.Ian has loads of experience with our $hitty little cars with Nissans in general and if anyone can diagnose a fault over the phone accurately my money would be on him.He's seen it and done it.

What spoils this site is newbies that can't/won't spend a little time searching through the archives for info on faults that we've all had a million times before and PC ar$e$ that want to cuddle and nurture everyone.

If you want to try and defend every numpty in the world fook off to the samaritans or some such :thumbsup:
hitec are good and can give a idea of the problem, but theres lots of other people who know there stuff out there too, if u dont have an idea of what ur talking about and cant answer the question dont say anything, trying to make someone look stupid for asking a question is sad, why not just say do a search and see if u can find anything simular, or does it make u feel big sitting on a computer giving it, because to me it makes u look like a sad muppet who needs to get a life, if u got nothing to say to do with the post dont say anything.