any good autoelectritons? in manchester area


New Member
As above, want to take out this stupid old apexi safc as its dodgy as hell sometimes the lights are all green on cold start revs at around 1500rpm , after the cold start drops to 900rpm and the lights on the safc are all green but when fully warmed up the revs are back to about 1100-1500 and what ever rev range the engines at the light goes red on which ever one. Cheers chris


Staff member
Can you not just trace the wires back and cut it out yourself? - The only real issue is working-out which wires were cut to install it, and rejoining them.


New Member
Dont get the sunday bit and im honestly crap at wires i know if i unplug the thing it starts and runs/revs but as soon as u try to drive it bogs and dies


Staff member
Easy. - On Sunday we had the North West section meet in Haydock; it's just down the A580, less than half an hour from Stockport (and about 45 minutes from Crewe). If you'd come we'd have had a look at it for you and maybe seen what could be done then and there.

I got my "bent" chassis checked and OK'd that way (it was a bent wishbone, not a chassis leg).

Admittedly it was just the three of us this time, but we often get a good turn-out and when we do there's some valuable knowledge and experience on offer. - Plus if we know you're bringing problems to look at, people will bring tools and spares just in case.


New Member
OW SHIT ! I said i would come aswell totally forgot ! Fucking hell was looking forward to that but was so busy trying to sort out my mates corsa c'vxr and also serviced the pulsar i just forgot ! The meal thing was it a good turn out whens the next meet? Sorry boys !


Staff member
In case George's comment wasn't clear, AFC's normally intercept the wires so you have to find where to cut it out and solder the original wires back together again.