anybody fancy a little job.

Matty B

New Member
:-D Don't suppose anybody wants to do my valve clearences for me. Spoke to a few garages and they want a bloody fortune to do it. I would much rather put a few quid into one of your pockets, plus, i don't mind getting my hands dirty helping out (with the simple bits i must add). Cheers, Matt.


quote>anyone fancy a little job<end quote

matt, its not a little job:lol:

its a days work to do the valve clearances and reshim!
even if you use my method of making your own shims, its still a lot of buggering about:doh:

if you want to use oe nissan shims, then im afraid their on back order at nissan (which could be months)

out of curiosity, how much did the garage quote you to do it?

Matty B

New Member
The best quote i've had is 360 pounds plus the shims. So worst ways it could be around the 500 quid mark. I know its a major job but was just wondering if some body fancied earning themselves a couple of hundred and helping another R owner out, also, i had a P-M from a guy on here who has got a load of spare shims. If i knew which size's i needed then i could get in contact with him and go from there.


Matty B said:
The best quote i've had is 360 pounds plus the shims. So worst ways it could be around the 500 quid mark. I know its a major job but was just wondering if some body fancied earning themselves a couple of hundred and helping another R owner out, also, i had a P-M from a guy on here who has got a load of spare shims. If i knew which size's i needed then i could get in contact with him and go from there.

If Only it was so simple you have to measure your existing clearances and shim sizes. You can then work out the size you need. Last time I did one for a mate we measured all the clearances and shims worked out what we needed after we had made use of what he had and ordered them up. Once they had arrived swapped them all over.

Not a nice job so fidly and time consuming.


Matty B

New Member
Please don't get me wrong, i know its gonna be an absolute PIG of a job. If somebody can help then thats great, if not im just gonna have to fill the pockets of some rip off garage. Just thought it would be worth asking you know, i've got nothing to lose. I'll give it a couple of weeks or so then bite the bullet and book it in.