apexi bov twin chamber


New Member
Can someone tell me how this bov works??.cuz my hose from bov to bov aint connected if i connect it whats going to happen?also if i put the piston all the way up whats that going to do?louder?.or all the way down is louder?:?


Matty B

New Member
The piston has to be up to allow the air to be dumped into the atmosphere. If the piston was all the way down then ( as you can see from the diagram ) no air could pass into the dump valve. Im not sure what you mean by ' from bov to bov '. You only have one bov.


Active Member
That's not a recirc BOV.

The adjustable part for sound, is the red band, with holes in it, around the centre of the valve. The larger the hole used, the louder the sound. It'll probably change the characteristics of the sound too, depending on what 'setting' you use.

You can also adjust the valves 'sensitivity'. I.e. when the BOV will open. That's done bu the black adjustment screw on the top. Screw it in and the BOV will need more boost to open. Screw it out and the BOV will need less boost to open.

To connect it up, you'll need the big hose from the plenum, a cap to block the hole in the MAF to turbo pipe (this should be in the kit) and the vacuum hose from the OE BOV connected to the vacuum port on to of the BOV (labelled as 'vacuum' in the first pic above).
Once it's connected up, you can adjust it to get the sound and response you want.



Active Member
I've got one of these, albeit an old one, and my 'hose' is connected from base to middle. I dont know exactly what this achieves mind you. :? and as for changing the sound, my adjustment band disappeared long ago by the looks of it.

Think I need a new bov. :roll: