avcr and safc settings


New Member
hi could anyone post up there settings of the above for 1 bar of boost. my car is overfuelling like a bitch and the boost semms to spike for a split second to 1.3 bar!!! :shock: :shock:

ive turned the boost duty right down but as i dont have the manual for them i havnt foggiest how to set them up properly.

i also get a bit of coughing and spluttering followed by a big pop of flamage just before it comes on full boost, could this be too much fuel dampening the spark? :?

cheers stu
I think for 1 bar the boost duty should be about 52%, that's about as much as I know. If you're not totally confident about what you're doing might be best getting a pro to sort it out. I think powerstation are supposed to be good with apexi stuff :D


I'd also like to know what best settings are for my AVCR or at least what changing each setting does as it was already installed when I got my car.

My duty was on 40 but on advise of members here a few months ago I turned it down to 20-25. Would like to know a bit more about what effects changing other settings has...


New Member
you cant go by what our safc and avcr settings are.each car is different,location as well. where you live will have different factors involved.


avcr and safc settings - long reply

The duty setting will be different for each car. What you want to do is set your boost value to 1 Bar ( the closest the AVC-R will do is 1.05 kg/cm², from memory) and put the duty cycle to about 50%. Take the car out and give it some gas, but keep an eye on the boost reading - if it doesn't get to 1.05 increase the duty setting slightly, if it overshoots STOP and lower the duty setting. Keep doing that until it holds at pretty much 1.05kg/cm².

Once thats set, you can let it do the self-learning thing (put it in 3rd or 4th, foot to the floor till the duty cycle setting says ***). The other relevant bits are the Feedback speed (how quickly it tries to correct over-or-under boost) and the Start Duty in each gear. If it holds perfect boost in say third, but spikes a bit in first & second you can use the start duty to reduce the actual duty in that gear (i.e say your duty is 67%, if you make the start duty -4% the actual duty will then be 63% - just an example). Also if it doesn't quite make full boost in 4th you could use Start Duty to help it along.

Some people leave the gear-based learning switched on, (Learn-Gear option) some turn it off. Try both settings, on mine it doesn't seem to make much difference. You can also adjust the duty curve to try to bring the boost in earlier by going to the Boost-Duty screen, then pressing Next. It will give you a bar chart of Revs (at each NE-Point you set) against Duty, and if you use the arrow keys you can raise or lower the duty at each rev point. Apparently the AVC-R is a bit conservattive when it self-learns, but if you do this, check you're not overboosting afterward.

Phew! :shock: Hope that helps you out.


All of that is guess work. You need a wideband O2 sensor to see what setting are optimal for your vehicle. If not all your doing is playing with the SAFC.