being a paid member


New Member
Hi guys ive been a paid member for about a month or so now and just wondered if i was meant to recieve anything in the post or if being a paid member just entitled me to use the full site?

just a general wonder thats all :)


Staff member
Yes, there is a new members pack (i.e. you only get it once).

Did you follow the instructions when you paid?

after you have paid to become a New Member and your membership has been accepted please send an email using the link below:

the email should contain the details listed below

real name
full address

Once we have received your email your details will be processed and a members Welcome Pack will be posted out to the address supplied. This usually happens within a few days but should you not receive anything after 14 days please resend your original message.
Usually it's that you haven't provided any details, but sometimes people are sick or on holiday and you slip through the net.