bonnet alignment


New Member
hey ive been trying to fix the alignment problem with my bonnet to be honest its not too bad vut im just being fussy.
right the bonnet is sitting fine on n/s all gaps are equal and pararel to headlight and grill ect , the problem lies on the o/s the bonnet is raise slightly so there is a gap above headlight and bonnet??? ive made sure there is nothing holding it up i thoight the expansion tank was doing it but i took it out and it still sits up also took the rubber wiynd up mounts off and still not joy ,so as a last resort i tried mucjing arounf with bonnet catch to no avail ;-)

does anyone have any adivce on to fix this or any tips i could try??

many thanks

davey red.r

New Member
stop being fussy:lol:
put some bonnett spacers on, to raise it, then you shouldnt see it so much,
will also lower the under bonett temps.



Active Member
It might be that the headlight is out of alignment ?!

If not, it sounds like the bonnet could be twisted ?!



New Member
give the bonnet a wee twist in the right direction when it's raised on the hinges or try to make up the difference at the hinges.
Thats how my old car was it was the bonnet that was mis aligned so just got another one after i had my fun with the car, didn't really bother me, acted like a little air feed. lol

The mag still featured it though

However as Davey said the bonnet spacers sorted the problem.

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