I had a really good session on the dyno at abbey to esnure I got good spool up at various boost settings.
if you have the std setting at off then it will set it self to the std actuator boost which is 0.65 bar on my car.
what you need to do is going into setting B, then use the self learn part, and then increase the incremements along the graph levels for boost and duty cycles.
For low boost (0.85) I run like 38-42% duty cycles across the rev range right up to 7000 rpm. by then the hyrbid T28 I have on the car is out of puff so no pont in keep upping the duty cycles as you will just be wasting yr time and the turbo is out of the efficient zone. I have like 42% at the start of the NE cycle to ensure the solenoid is open enough.
At high boost (1,1 bar) I pretty much run about 58-62% across the range depending on the revs. We have it up to 62% at 2500 rpm to make sure she spools up really quickly, which she does :lol: and then set the duty level to whatever was needed to ensure I had a flat boost curve right across the range. If i remember correctly I am at about 60% across the range.
the dyno print out does revela a quick spool up and she holds bost flat right until 7k rpm. that is the beauty of the avcr that she will hold boost consistnetly with little spikes.
A rolling road does help as it will measure the boost, how it reacts to the changes and what duty cycles you should be running.
I really noticed the difference in the car afterwards as it just picked up so much better.