boost spikes



cars running full goose, filter and bov. got all the bits comin for 1+bar v.soon and have recently fitted a defi boost gauge. now, i have been noticing that on flooring it, the boost firsts spikes up to 0.9-1.1! bar and then settles around 0.8. Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on this!!- whats the norm here? i no the defi's are the nuts and very accurate
theres no bleed valve etc and all looks stock!
Mattygti-r remarked on how un-laggy and quick it was before i fitted
the defi's when we went out for a blast

so..what ya weckon?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
i reckon matty told you it wasn' t running stock boost and you didn' t believe him :wink: :lol:

check for loose/leaky pipes.



na- i knew it was quick- its just runnig slightly more, but its spikes really quick and then back to bout 0.9 bar

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
standard boost seems to fluctuate according to ambient tempreture but a decatted R will boost a bit higher than one fitted with a cat iirc

did you check all your hoses for leaks? including he restictor pipe that runs from the turbo actuator to the plenum :wink:


New Member
spoke to steve about this and he reckons yoru actuator could have been played about wiht hence why your not noticing it?


the actuators std iteam which iirc is a not adjustable iteam. once the avc-r goes on etc, i go from there- hopefuly it will settle it down!