bottem end problems



hello there, right, i had been enjoying driving my r for a week:-D , lovely machine an well nippy (understatement). but as my luck would go i think shes f**ked:x . every things fine under rocker cover. drained down oil an found 2 tiny, i mean tiny specs of metal.(bottem end gone) im no mechanic, im a plumber. but can do a lot once i put me mind to it . ive been told by pulsarbobby that its more than likely a spun shell. but i would have though i would have found more metal. i am gona take the sump right out, but jus woundering whot a rough price of the work would be if i do most of it myself and if machanic does it. (any volenteirs) theres only one way to learn right. or does any one know of a cheap an easy way round it. (impossible with an r but its worth a go) any suggestions will do. post any info u need an il post a reply.

my cars on axel stands so i have oficially joined the club wahay:thumbsup:

thanks guys


New Member
your definately right about your luck mate with your record:lol: :p
instead of crashing cars and fliping them into trees your now blowing em up!:lol:
o deary me:doh:


gtir_pimp said:
your definately right about your luck mate with your record:lol: :p
instead of crashing cars and fliping them into trees your now blowing em up!:lol:
o deary me:doh:
haha dont f**king remind me. lol the charade wernt my falt. it was the trees falt lol
found a good smiley for my car :boom: HAHA


New Member
mate, tell the story of what happend, you know, "i was driving along, singing a song, when . . . . . ."

members might help you out more!


Active Member
Have you tryed cutting the old oil filter open to see if there are any more metal bits in there?


New Member
im going to write the story for him so here it goes. . .

he was driving along a dual carriage way driving a bit spirited! started to slow down for the roundabout from 110mph in 5th, then dropped it into 4th at 50mph when it cut out on him. didnt make a bang, just a noise like a "loud fan winding down" so he dropped it into 3rd after it cut out and still nothing. so rolled it in neutral to the side of the road. try to start it back up but it was like the battery was flat and made that clicking sound when he turned the key. opened the bonnet and water was coming out the overflow on the coolant bottle,bubbling over boiling hot! And thats when i got a call to come and get him. when i got there i tryd to turn her over on the crank pulley but it wouldnt budge. so then i towed him home and the next day it was the same so nothing changed overnight like he was hoping! thats about it!

i had something similar happen to me and i got a new engine now! the only differences being i was flooring it in 2nd up a hill hard! and it made a bang and some sort of grinding noise like a loud metal fan spinning, then came to a holt.

is this pointing towards new bearings, crank regrind, maybe a rod etc etc?!
cheers people:thumbsup:


hate to say it lewis but its 99% a spun shell thats causing the crank to seize.
you really need to remove the sump, and check out the bearings and you will probably find its number 3 journal that has spun, thats the most common one.

if the crank is scored or marked at all then you will need to remove it and either get regrind or good s/h crank and retain standard size shells.
also need to check bearing holder as they sometimes get damaged too. no matter which way you look at it, its not a nice job unfortunately.