brake disks 285m?


New Member
Hiya guys

I have got a big brake upgrade done on my car which was fitted b4 i bought the car.

Where do i go about getting new disks this size that are reasonably priced as the standard ones are obvioulsy smaller.

The brakes judder at high speed so im assuming they are warpd which is why im replacing.

Is there much price difference between std and 285mm disks and is it worth it as i would realy like to go back down from 17s to std 14s as handling imo is crap with 17s on?



New Member
There's not too much difference if it is just a big disc kit, with the bracket that moves the standard caliper further out.
If you have the Hi-Spec kit then you're best going to them for the discs (£160 iirc). If it is this kit then you can fit 15" wheels over them. This is what I have.
If you're not going to change the calipers and want 14" wheels back on, then just get some grooved discs.
I personally wouldn't go back down to the 14" wheels. 15" wheels are nice and from what I have read 16" is also good, which is what I will move up to so that I can fit my bigger discs and 4-pots :-D

Regarding the juddering, I had this, but it went after I removed the discs and scraped all the crud out of the grooves. May be worth a try ;-)


New Member
thanks for tip oz racing there is aload of brake dust in the grooves so il try that before splashing out on new ones.

I am pritty sure it will just be std calipers as they have brakets fitted, i have to drive down country roads with very big pot holes and stuff and dont care about looks just want to be able to go round corners good.

£160 is allot for a set of disks i have found stds for as cheep as £50-60

Is there not a car out there that has 285mm disks that fit onto our cars when we run the exstender braket that is normaly priced?


New Member
u will find that the 285mm are of a fiat coupe i made 3 sets of these kits a few years back i copyed the hispec ones fiat coupe 20v turbo

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
its not as simple as that mate, you need to know the centre bore and also the disc offset.( how far from the hub the disc sits)
also disc thickness could be different aswell.


Active Member
If your grooves are all caked up, you're not using the brakes hard enough and you probably have pad deposits on the disc surface, that is causing the judder.

Brake judder is very rarely caused by warped discs, as discs only tend to warp, if they're not fitted properly !

What pads do you have, EBC Greenstuff ?!

You need to do a couple of high speed stops, really standing on the brakes. That will clean the surfaces off and should improve things for you.
If you do have Greenstuff pads, bin them and go for a set of Mintex M1144 compound pads.


fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
When I had the 280mm kit from Wilwood, I used a Renault aftermarket disc, whether it was EBC, Tarox, Black Diamond or standard OE disc’s. They used to fit fine and I had no problems.
Double check to see whether they are exact 280mm or 285mm

youngsyp said:
If you do have Greenstuff pads, bin them and go for a set of Mintex M1144 compound pads.

Like the man says and get some braded line made up for the fronts and rears! ;-)


Active Member
fubar andy said:
When I had the 280mm kit from Wilwood, I used a Renault aftermarket disc, whether it was EBC, Tarox, Black Diamond or standard OE disc’s. They used to fit fine and I had no problems.
Double check to see whether they are exact 280mm or 285mm
That's very interesting mate, as are the comments about the Fiat Coupe brakes.

I have Godspeed 308mm discs on mine and they were about £350 to replace the discs. I'm sure a good set of Fiat Coupe discs would be much cheaper than that ?!



Active Member
These are the specs for the 304mm discs (Nitrac brand) for the later Fiat Coupe 20v turbo:

Nitrac Disc Dimensions:

Disc Style: Vented
Fitment: 4 Bolt Holes
Diameter: 304mm
Thickness (New): 28mm
Minimum Thickness: 26mm
Centre Bore Size: 59mm
Disc Depth: 45mm



New Member
i already have braded lines.

I probably have std pads i have tried using the brakes doing 90mph (on private road) and it judders soo bad the car nearly steared off the road,i will try stamping on the brakes going 70mph as see what happens thanks.


Active Member
vss irvine said:
the centre bore and pcd need taken out slighty for the fiat discs. But they can b made to fit.
Not sure I'd get 28mm wide discs under my stock calipers though....
I need to check the Godspeed discs.



New Member
my brake pads have Apec writen on them is this a std pad?

I havnt managed to get fuel in car yet to do some emergency stops as local pump run out so guna have to fork out for some shell optimax at £1.14 per litre ffs


New Member
errm no i dont pay £1.14 + a litre its £1.07 at the garage i use for super unleaded which is 97 ron.

It doesnt pink and ran fine on rollers so dont see point in using 99 ron, it saves £3on on every tank i fill and with prices increasing probably a 5er soon lol, you should too if your geting 8.89 to the gallon ;-)


New Member
yes it the 16v model of the fiat coupe i bought some strd brembo from motor factor then had the rebored slightlt also had the groved totol cost of one set was £60