Brake Pedal Sinks



Whilst braking hard from 70 mph the brake pedal was fine, but at the end when I reached around 25mph the pedal sunk a bit lower and then the car came to a stop You could smell the pads. I drove on and for the remainder of the journey the pedal was fine. What could this be?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've boiled the brake fluid :wink:

If you get it too hot the pedal just gets spongy then goes to the floor. Lucky you were down to 25mph at this point else you would have soon found the brakes disappear complety :shock: :lol:

What brake fluid are you using? Best to get some DOT 5.1 and bleed the brakes :wink:



The brake fluid is new. Was completely changd around 3 months ago with AP Lockheed Delphi 5.1 brake fluid and was bled. Will try and bleed the brakes again and see what happens. Any other reasons why this might have happened? Thanks Mark :)


Well-Known Member
Bleed them again and see what happens :wink:

Had you been doing any heavy braking before you braked from 70-25 :?: Cos i wouldnt have thought just that one stop would have got them hot enough to heat the brake fluid up so much that the pedal goes spongey :?



I did about 3 heavy brakes from around 70 to 0mph before this :)

Might get some racing brake fluid in there :wink:

If the fluid boils after 2-3 hard brakes then how do these cars survive on the race track where there are many hard brakes?


Well-Known Member
Re: ...

hmmm said:
I did about 3 heavy brakes from around 70 to 0mph before this :)
So they were probably pretty warm then :lol:

hmmm said:
If the fluid boils after 2-3 hard brakes then how do these cars survive on the race track where there are many hard brakes?
With standard brakes they dont :wink:


Active Member
I've boiled it and experienced fade after 2x100-30mph efforts.It doesn't take much on the standard setup,even with better fluid.