broken pulsar diagnosis req

Anybody have any ideas please, have i stuffed the turbo or is it the engine again :roll:

Went on a 200 mile journey last week at motorway speeds, nearing the end of the journey at lower speeds in lower gears when the car came on + boost it started to whistle/whirring from the front somewhere, the only thing i can liken it to would be the noise the clangers used to make on kids tv, it went away after about 0.2bar and didnt happen in the higher gears, this went on until it was all whistling and no + boost and then randon plumes of blue to white smoke coming out the back.

Jonny H

With blue smoke coming out the back it sounds like your turbo could be on its way out fella :(

Fast Guy

Staff member
All whistling and no boost and smoke sounds like your turbo, but just check you don't have a hose somewhere that was splitting and has finally let go


New Member
I'll second the turbo, but check hoses and "if" possible do a cylinder leakage test not compression test.

cheers confirmed what i thought, those at nisstek warned me of some end play some time ago and i took it with a pinch of salt but it actually sounds like they were right :shock:
Apart from the embrassment would it be ok to drive it to a mechanic or does it need picking up?

Fast Guy

Staff member
You might get away with it if it isn't too far. It just depends how badly the turbo is goosed.