Buying, Standard or modified for daily driving?


South West Regional Rep
Firstly I'd like to say hello, rude not to really.

I'm looking into buying a GTI-R in the near future and am after some help/advice.

I would like a car around the 300HP mark so it's as quick as my current car (ish). Now the question is would a car running this sort of power be reliable for daily driving? Is there a limit to where the cars start to become unreliable?

Now I have been reading that as stock the cars are reliable and the drive chain, gearbox etc doesn’t take to much abuse. Thinking along this line would it be better to buy a stock car and then modify from there so I knew it hadn’t already been strained. Of would I be throwing money away on the cost of tuning a car to the 300 odd mark.

Oh and in the future I will get carried away with he power, it's just in my nature.


Now the question is would a car running this sort of power be reliable for daily driving?
Simple answer.... YES!

Now I have been reading that as stock the cars are reliable and the drive chain, gearbox etc doesn’t take to much abuse
Simple Answer.....Wrong.

A car is only as reliable as you make it or the person before you, its like any car, plus most Pulsars are 15yrs old, things are going to break regardless(probz not expensive parts if cared for).

End of the day if you buy a good 300bhp car to start off with and look after it, it will look after you like wise and give you many miles of boosting pleasure8)

Fire & skill

Vintage member
5 pulsars ive had now and no problems with gearboxes - all running over 300bhp.

just make sure you get a good one to start with, look after it well and you will have endless hours of fun. almost like owning your own roller coaster :lol:

so what car did you have before?


same here use mine everyday and its about 370bhp at the moment soon to be more then that and i will still use it everyday if you treat it nice and slow not speeding every where you should be ok but like what has been said all depends on the last owner has treated it like
p,s hi there and :welcome: to the GTIROC :-D :-D


:-o wrong i believe! your car may have had many owners before being imported, you dont know whats happened to it in past!
better to buy a cheapy and have work done on engine rebuild etc and you will then have a good car which YOU know is good for a fair few miles of trouble free motoring.
people do not buy cars like these or any other high performance car come to that to drive round not exceeding the speed limit:shock:


South West Regional Rep
I'll go for a pre modified one then, thanks for the input. What sort of mods should I be looking for? I was thinking of the following for sure:

Boost Controller
Brakes Uprated

Don't know much about the cars yet so don't know if I need the fuel pump, ecu etc altered for the 300 mark.

Fast Guy

Staff member
kenan said:
I would like a car around the 300HP mark so it's as quick as my current car (ish).
What's your current car?

An uprated fuel pump is recommended and so would ba a clutch as well as colder plugs.


And some sort of air/fuel regulator ? I only had a basic HKS AFR on my old Pulsar but it worked a treat. Better to be safe than sorry ?

Hi Kenan - Daz here from GTR forum :)


New Member
if i were you id try to get a mildly tuned example, exhaust,air filter,suspension. which is quite common to see on most gtir's.

if possible get something thats already got an uprated clutch. because that will more than likely be the first thing to let go if your ganna get a standard r up to 300bhp. and it can be pricey to have someone change a clutch for you (if you dont do the work yourself obviously)


my pulsars running just under 300bhp (1 bar boost) and i had it for 6 years, never given me no problems


I've had my car 6 years and, touch wood, only problem was braking the Transfer box (due to oil leak), its down to how the previous owner treated it, how you treat it, using the best parts and servicing regular, but there's always luck in such an old car. No harm in having say 2k in the bank/credit car just in case. Don't always think ones with rebuilds are the best, they can still cause prolems if highly tuned.

If your worried about the gearbox then use light small wheels (15's) organic clutch and the best box oil (redline mt90) to reduce stress, don't launch it too often and be carefull on gearchanges.