

New Member
Do you guys do a calender thing here like posting pics of everyone's car and the top 12 get in the calender just a curisoty question


New Member
i know a few other forums that do this and i thought it would be awesome to get one with diff pulsars in it like one real nice pic of the car for the photo side then on the callender side have the callender take up 3/4 of the page and then the other 1/4 a list of parts

Fire & skill

Vintage member
well why dont we all have a vote?

post up the best pic of your R (or any R), - remember to put it up as an attatchment. one pic per member. then i reckon the mods should between them choose the top 20 and we all have a vote on it to see what makes the top 12 :-D

would that work?

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Fire & skill said:
well why dont we all have a vote?

post up the best pic of your R (or any R), - remember to put it up as an attatchment. one pic per member. then i reckon the mods should between them choose the top 20 and we all have a vote on it to see what makes the top 12 :-D
Yeah that sounds fine to me, or post it as a link if the files too large for an attachment and see which cars are chosen.

That way we can get it sorted this year unlike last year when we left it too late :)


New Member
ok so when are we gonna do this i know my car wont make it cause of all your guys cars are so sweet but ill put in cause i love pulsars so let me know when were starting thanks

Fire & skill

Vintage member
well we could always have one big picture of an R and three small ones for each month?

that way maybe each member can get a picture of their r's as well?

like stick to the original idea - 12 best cars for each month of the year then an additional 3 each month, so 48 pics in total. its not my layout im not the calender man but as a club we can hopefully agree on something like this, gives everyone a chance of fame :lol:


Staff member
we ought to see if we can sell some banner advertising space (discreetly around the edges of the calender pages) to people like Apex, Hiteq e.t.c. that would help pay for a really flash calender
Also i reckon it would be a good idea to have a bit about the car next to the pic - spec, history etc.

Gotta find a decent pic of my R now :lol:


New Member
when are we gonna start this up considering its coming to the end of this year lol and just a thought on the start up page we should have the link to the page where we are posting pics so that everyone has a chance to post or take a look thanks let us know so we can post up pics


Staff member
Aimee is contacting the guy we normally use, we will then set the details

Will let you know



New Member
Maybe the page where all the pics of the R's being entered into the poll should be started so that at least the pics are finalised when it comes to the finalised sourcing of suppliers and printers etc.

I think a limit of maybe 3 pics per car would make it reasonably manageable web wise and will force people to add their best 3 instead of their whole album lol.



Still waiting on some shims!
There is a calendar being made along with some other goodies...

I will start an area where you can post your favourite pics...