Cam shaft caps


My mate recently bought a new cylinder head for his R. The guy he bought it of had removed the cams, but not took a note of which cap goes where on the head, is there a way of matching them up with any markings on them.


Active Member
I am not to sure i will have a look for you later to see if there is any markings on them as to witch one goes where,but as far as i am aware they should to be put back on from where they came off as they are machined for that position if you know what i mean?you could proberbly get away with just puting them where you feel but i would not risk it.
I always thought the caps that hold the cams down are the same sort of thing as the main bearing caps as in they have behine machined to fit in only one place?


Yes i was pretty sure they should go back where they came from. They are marked, just dont know how the marks tie in with the cylinder head. Cheers for the help so far.