Can anyone help???



Hi people,

Just wondering if anyone has had this problem, i think ive narrowed it down to when i have left my car idling for roughly 10 minutes i drive it and at low revs it stutters/ holds back then clears and revs right round, its not like a missfire, only happens when ive left it idling. All other times its fine. Also when this fault happens if i turn it off for bout 20min, when i start it again its fine?

Anyone got any ideas?


Moved to problem solving

Fast Guy

Staff member
It might be heat soak.

Does the problem clear after a couple of minutes driving?

Don't leave your car idling that long. It uses alot of fuel, wears the engine and is boring to sit for that long :p (and illegal if the car is unattended)


It didnt the other nite, i was driving for about 30 mins and it didnt clear, only seems to be once ive turned it off for a while, perhaps its choking itself? not sure?? is there ever problems with air mass meters at all?? not sure it would be that?

John Mc

Mine was having the same problems, one new set of gaskets for exhaust to turbo later and hey presto, running much better now. The metal gasket had blown itself out and one of the bolts was missing :roll:

Could be any number of things though
Fast Guy said:
Don't leave your car idling that long. It uses alot of fuel, wears the engine and is boring to sit for that long :p (and illegal if the car is unattended)
What sort of time would you recommend idling to let the turbo cool down after a good run? I tend to let her run for five minutes or if i've really been booting it, maybe longer- is that a bad thing?

recntly i've decided that when the oil temp falls to it's lowest normal temp, i can switch off. What do you reckon?

I reckon i really need a turbo timer... :oops:


Just droped my girlfriend home, takes about 10 - 15 mins, on the way back i went to boot it and it held back in 2nd and 3rd didnt try it in any other gears, after driving like a granny for about 2 - 3 minutes past the police, i put me foot down and it was running sweet?? Any ideas????

Also how do i go about reading fault codes?? havent got a clue where to find them or read them, sorry.? :roll:

Fast Guy

Staff member
I just drive my car easy for the last couple of minutes and turn it straight off. If you want to let it idle just leave it a couple of minutes. I can't see the point myself unless you've been thrashing it right upto turning off, as all the time your car's idling, heat is building up :?


Active Member
Check all your ignition leads are in good condition (take them off and give them a clean with meths) check your spark plugs for cracks, water down the holes etc.. Whilst checking these, check the tips for wear and colour. They should be a 'biscuit' colour. Check any electrical connections you can see and clean them with WD40. This will drive out moisture and seal them. This can only be beneficial !

Lets us know how you get on :wink:


Thanks for everyones advice, tommorow i am going to check leads sparks etc and do a fault code check, once i have done this i will let u all no what i found, if anything.




hi people,

Just to say i havent had chance to look at my car yet but will be very soon.

I said before it only does it when the car has been idling but i could be driving around and when its hot it will do the same thing!! also when it stutters/holds back it pops alot more aswell??



hmm sorta sounds like its over fueling.
check the fault code. i think it could be the o2 sensor.
then again it could be all sorts of things so do the check then report back and we'll have another guess.

good luck



Hi people,

Just done the fault code check and it came up all clear, nothing wrong! Not sure if it makes a difference but i havent used the car this morning?

Im stuck now coz i really dont no wot it could be??

Any help would be much appreciated,




Well-Known Member
I dont know about the stuttering but the det sensor kicking in would make the car feel like it was holding back/sluggish. Especially as you said its doing after you've been stopped.

I've had that before, when you stop the intercooler gets hot and when you start driving again the det sensor sometimes kicks in.

It cuts the boost (if you've still got the solenoid connected) and retards the timing) but dosent show up as a fault code and resets itself and goes back to normal if you turn the ignition off for a moment then back on again :wink:



Geezer take off those Throttle bodies, giv'em a quick cleanup. Pain in the Yaris but might have some poo in them! Worth a go :idea:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
youngsyp said:
Check all your ignition leads are in good condition (take them off and give them a clean with meths) check your spark plugs for cracks, water down the holes etc.. Whilst checking these, check the tips for wear and colour. They should be a 'biscuit' colour. Check any electrical connections you can see and clean them with WD40. This will drive out moisture and seal them. This can only be beneficial !

Lets us know how you get on :wink:
i wouldn' t use wd40, in my experience its a quick fix but it attracts water to whatever it coats :( use a proper contact cleaner and grease/vasoline to seal :wink: