Can anyone help?



Hi guys. Ok I have not had my pulsar long and it is fitted with an Apex-i AVCR. It is set to run at 1.2 bar but every so often seems to spike over it to more like 1.3Bar sometimes less sometimes abit higher. I just wondered if this could cause any damgae or if it will be fine? Most of the time it never over boosts and is spot on but it just seems to do it every so often for some reason.

Any help would be really appricated.




Active Member
You'll find that the spikes are generally very quick to happen and be rectified and most often, when you change gear so, the engine isn't actually under load and the throttle bodies are closed.
If it's the latter, it will do no damage to the engine as, the bottom end isn't actually seeing that charge, it's just in the plenum/inlet track.
If it's the former, it could well do damage if you're not careful.

You can do a lot of things with the AVCR to set it up and reduce boost spikes. Increase the feedback speed in each gear for example. You can also lower the start duty of each gear. I find this lowers the peak boost level setting for the specific gear though.
What you might want to do is fine tune the boost curve in the duty screen. Find out at what RPM the boost spikes and drop the duty back at that RPM by 1% at a time until it spikes no more.
If you scour the web, you'll find loads of useful tips on setting the AVCR up. The MLR is a good place to start.



Thanks for your help mate I just sent you a PM, Sorry for all the questions in it lol