Car May Have To Go !!!!!


Cant believe this but the "R" may have to be sold after xmas

I have a leeky roof on my house called in the roof guy and ........its been leeking for years rotted all the timbers and the roof is bolloxed. :cry:

Best quote so far is 6K :shock:

Gonna try everything possible first but with the baby and the mrs hardly working im not sure wot i can do :cry: :( :(

Its not for def but im just putting feelers out to see if anyone wants to sell there sh*tter and buy one of the best condition "R" out there today


very very very very very very unhappy


For a minute there i was trying to work out why your Pulsar had a wooden roof! :lol:

Bad luck dude :cry: Might be an idea to get a second opinion?


i hope your able to fund it some other way or like said above get someone else in to check so if the damage itsnt as bad. hopefully wont come dwn to getting rid of your car.


Had a few guys in to look at it and yes it is that bad :cry: :(

But will have to wait till after xmas see wot i can sort !!



New Member
exactly what i thought 6meister :lol:

mate you have got a immaculate r im sure you kind find another way for paying for the roof


Bad news mate!

Really hope you find a way to hang onto it, anyone thats gets your motor will be getting a mint car!

Not possible to fix the roof yourself?


Wish i could m8 but the whole roof has to come off and all the timbers replaced then a new roof put back on :(

Once its done thats it but its just come at a very bad time

Mrs is gonna go back to work full time but i need it now

Credit cards are high enough so dont need more debt

The "R" is the only thing left boo hoo :cry:



maybe ask your wife if she wants to do some night work ;)

im sure you wont mind if you get to keep the R

ohh of course u could wh0re yourself, but i think your missus's would have more chance of getting more income ;)

seriously good luck mate.... make sure its ur last option ask for a loan off your parents or something?


Staff member
Good luck lee, fingers crossed you dont have to sell it! :(

You have one gorgeous car!


John Mc


Claim on your buildings insurance, surely the roof is covered on your policy :wink: Will cost you about £60 excess and you can keep the R and get the roof fixed for nothing :D



H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
What the man says above - surely you must be able to claim ?? My brother inlaw was in his house all of about 2 weeks and had to claim for a new kitchen where a pipe had been leaking for god knows how long. You should be covered Lee - so long as you have house insurance obviously !


New Member
Go for that idea Lee, the premium after the claim wont be increased by that much certanly not 6k lol so then R stays, new roof and everyone's happy.

Sorry to hear the bad news matey, think everyone or almost everyone is in the same position when something goes wrong generally, the R takes all the spare cash so therefore no saves throughout year (with necessary mods being accounted for of course :lol: ) and so when something like a leaky house roof comes along there's not spare cash to throw at it :cry:

Goodluck in finding other options im sure you can find something, all the best.


P.s. is this the first xmas with the little one?? it is isn't it?? Im sure you will enjoy it all the same. :wink: chin up :D


Thanx for all the replies guys :)

Ant yes m8 first xmas with little un so well looking forward to it Cheers m8

Tried the insurance one first but because of the long long period it has been being damaged long before i got here they will not pay up . We are still arguing about it im also going back to the people who did the house survey when i bought it cause they should of spotted it !!!!!

The problem is i need to get going now and cant afford to wait for months and months of arguing till i get some cash


John Mc

At the end of the day when you took out your insurance your contract is with them. It's nothing to do with you what has happened in the house before, it only matters what is wrong with it and the insurance should sort it the f00kers :evil: :evil:

Then if they feel the need to make a claim against the previous insurers then that is their problem!

I think you should speak to CAB about it mate, I think your insurers are pulling a fast one. They probably think that you knew about the problem before hand, but why would you buy a house with a leaking roof :?

I've got a problem with subsidence right now and my insurers have been as good as gold :wink:

H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
More importantly as mentioned the survey should have picked up on it. What type of survey did you have ? A full Homebuyers guide £400 odd jobby or was it the £250 type. Just varying levels of investigation isn't it - mind you the £250 one should still pick up on that as they are supposed to look into the loft !!!