Car problems..


New Member
Recently had my gearbox changed as it went bang, also had the clutch changed a new rad installed and front drive shaft changed. The car hasn't been able to start due to a dead battery, a new one has been installed and it started fine, it's now dead again, also when I boost clear white smoke seems to be leaking out from under the car, petrol is also getting into the engine bay somehow, I have no clue what the problem is but it seems to drive fine.
Any help would be great, cheers.

The Doc

Staff member
Fiel lines or injectors leaking..or fuel filter is quite common, white smoke might just be things burning off after spillages like oil on the exhaust, something is draining the battery ...light in boot on? Alarm system ...or is there loose connections on starter and the earth ?


New Member
The smoke is my main concern as its not from the exhaust which worries me as in being the turbo or head gasket, all oils have been replaced throughout the car, car doesn't have a light in the boot atm but I don't have a alarm system, which is a good possibility @The Doc

The Doc

Staff member
Very much doubt its head would have rough running or the cooling system will pressureise and loose turbo is going you will loose power and have high oil useage.


Staff member
It's not just condensation due to cold weather is it? - That's not uncommon this time of year...


Staff member
If you've just had the gearbox out I'd guess someone has reconnected the reverse switch to the ignition amplifier since they're the same plug; as a result there's no spark to start the car.


New Member
Quite possibly, it's the white smoke that's the scarier but but hopefully when it's taken onto the ramp it'll make more sense, I'll check those plugs thanks! @PobodY