Car won't start - fuel pump failure?


New Member
Hi there!

I'm suspecting my fuel pump to have died on me, but would appreciate other's advice.

I left from work and drove home, parked the car. 5h later, I get in the car, turn the key and the engine cranks but no fuel/explosion. I turn it off, then back to ON but I don't hear the fuel pump.

So far:
- Fuel pump fuse is good (15A)
- Relay is clicking
- I have 12v at the fuel pump wiring under the backseat when I turn the key
- Fuel is between 1/4 - 1/2 on the gauge

So is it normal that the current goes through but that the pump does nothing? I was about to store the car in a week so this pisses me off a bit as I have to drive 60km to get to the garage where I'm storing it. It's 1am right now and this stuff just happened so I havent investigated alot since its under zero degrees outside and its too dark anyway.

If anyone has an idea, let me know!

Thanks guys!


My understanding of the fuel pump was it will cut in untill the fuel is up to pressure then cut out, so if its up to pressure then the pump wont run.
But if there's power there could it maybe be a dodgey earth ? could try re-earthing it quickly just to prove that.
Not a mechanic though so you might be better waiting untill someone with a bit more knowledge comes on :lol:


simple way to find out, remove one of the fuel lines going onto the fuel rail near the rocker cover and turn the ignition on, if there is not loads of fuel pissing out then your pump has died, then its time for a walbro replacement!


New Member
oh shit!! pump's not dead! wooohoo! with a battery connected straight on it, it starts! i'll have to investigate further then!


:doh: :doh: just relised i am, gay thats right i am gay:der: :der: and i drive a nissan pulsa and iam gay


Active Member
GazGti-R said:
:doh: :doh: just relised i am, gay thats right i am gay:der: :der: and i drive a nissan pulsa and iam gay
Ah, so you're finally coming out of the closet. I had my suspicions about you but, didn't have any solid proof until now..... :lol: :lol: :lol:


would likie to apologize for my last comment ....left me page open at work and one of the lads has been having fun taking the piss with it so if if commented on anything else just ignore it please