charcoal canister removel


Active Member
Did do a search !! But could not find if there is any problems with removing the Canister,,,


Active Member
I guess thats because there is no problem with removing it, lots of members have done it including myself and as long as you block everything off correctly you'll be fine.


one of the pipes is your tank breather think it is the bottom one you will be able to tell as its the only thats goes down the back of the car dont block this one


Active Member
yeah got that one.. if you breath into the Canister from the bottom it will only vent from one pipe from the top do you think i could connect to to pipe together,,


Active Member
gtirjoey said:
one of the pipes is your tank breather think it is the bottom one you will be able to tell as its the only thats goes down the back of the car dont block this one
From memory, there is one pipe that goes to the inside of the N/S/F wing and this has another pipe 'T'd' into it that goes to back to the tank ?!

This doesn't actually go back to the tank but, to a length of metal pipe that terminates (and vents to atmosphere) just on the underside of the car, next to the other fuel pipes and brake pipes about 4 inches from the firewall.
If you remove the plastic guard, you'll be able to remove this small length of pipe all together.

I remember thinking how cheeky they were to put this fuel vapour recirculation system in the car, only to vent it to atmosphere ! :lol:

I ended up with 1 small and 1 large vacuum hose than needed sealing !
