Chrome Door Catches And Bonnet Stays :D



just got some chrome door catches and a bonnet stay i have had done back and fitted them to my car. If anyone wants a set, send me yours complete with the bolts and i will exchange them with a chrome pair for £15. same deal with the bonnet stay. £15 plus your bonnet stay.

See pics below



Staff member
Classic :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:

Nice chrome bonnet stay with the same rusty bonnet hinge we all have in the background.

Nice and shiny though mate :lol: :lol:



New Member
what i love about hte gtir is that the vast majority of people would rather spend £30 on doing something "shiny" than useful ie,

new service items, change the brakes, oil in the gearbox, trans, diff etc


change of brakes is more than £30, complete oil change for the transmission is more than £30 so shut the f*ck up mong :der:

you clearly dont know shit :lol:


New Member
my point is, people run these cars on a budget and would rather spend £30on shitty shiny bits, than put the money towards a good upgrade on something

of course brakes are more than £30, ffs

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
mattygti-r said:
what i love about hte gtir is that the vast majority of people would rather spend £30 on doing something "shiny" than useful ie,

new service items, change the brakes, oil in the gearbox, trans, diff etc
like you you mean?:roll: :der: :lol: and dont deny it either:lol:

i reckon Sickboy will want those;-)


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
like you you mean?:roll: :der: :lol: and dont deny it either:lol:

i reckon Sickboy will want those;-)
just had a full service on the GTR so no not really,

sure didnt have the most amount of £ when i had a gtir, but come on shiny bonnet hinge?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
ok so you dont want your previous track record for buying defi gauges for your gtir plus other stuff and not changing your basic service items for 2yrs taken into account then:lol:

remember..i saw that oil in the gtr;-)


tro|| said:
change of brakes is more than £30, complete oil change for the transmission is more than £30 so shut the f*ck up mong :der:

you clearly dont know shit :lol:

wtf???.... :doh: :der:

Anyway... each to their own. I wouldn't bother with it on my car, but if it floats your boat! :thumbsup:


They were free so i dont care! Was just seeing iof anybody wanted some thats all. As regards to running my car on a budget.....there is no budget!! If it needs something it has it. £30 on brakes......think not fella, try nearer a 1k!!!

Like i say, im new to the scene so give me time, but i promise there a few things on there way now which should put a quietner on the people thinking my car will be built on a budget.....:p

mad max

good for you i run my r on a budget i put £30 a week away so i can give it to simon norris every fliping 12 weeks dont you just love your R