Clifford Intellistart problems




Is there anyone on here who knows about Clifford alarms?
I recently got a Concept 650 with the Intellistart installed. It was done by a friend who does them part time and certified by the company he works for.

Anyhow the unit is unable to start my car from cold in the mornings. In fact it just seems to have issues full stop.

I believe the problem is when it autostarts it does not give the fuel pump enough time to prime. On mine this takes say 2 seconds or just over. Intellistart gives it one and then starts the ignition. The engine never catches in time.

I've tried to increase the crank time to the longest 2.5 second setting but it still has problems. It also seems to forget the settings I enter at random and have trouble reading the rpm from the engine.

Can anyone suggest a way I can make it wait a little longer for the pump to prime before trying to start the car? There’s no option in the software, but I cannot believe I am the only person to have come across this.

Oh and FYI when I manually start the car from cold (with the key) and allow the pump the prime, it starts first time every time within a couple of turns - so maybe less than 2 seconds so there’s no faults with the starter or hesitation to start in the mornings.

All advice appreciated.

p.s. it starts just fine when warm

Fast Guy

Staff member
Stoned said:
It was done by a friend who does them part time and certified by the company he works for.
Could that be your problem? :?

Does it start if you try it a 2nd time?


mine does the same and sometimes takes 3 or 4 goes to start :x
when my car was standard it used to start first time every time :?


Now i've got the crank time up to the max it sometimes starts on 2nd or 3rd try.

What gets me is over multiple forums everyone seems to have this problem of it not starting first time and yet everyone just accepts it :?


Staff member
I don't seem to have that problem but I do have another with the intelistart system on my concept 600. Before I changed my standard MAF to a Z32 one and the ECU to a Power FC my car idled spot on 900 rpm every time (once warm) and now with the goodies above fitted it idles at about 1200 rpm, I'm happy with that but .........

My intelistart worked fine on the old set up for years but I can't seem to get it to work at all with the new goodies fitted. I do remember reading somewhere that the intelistart system could only be set on a steady idle, or perhaps it's becuase the intelistart system was originally fitted when the oem ecu was still being used and fitting the Power FC has disturbed something, who knows !!!

whatever it is it's bl--dy annoying and complete waste of money :evil: :cry:


I think on mine it's a power issue or something similar. It starts fine from the key so I reckon the intellistart is unable to draw enough power or something daft


Active Member
Yep, got the same issue with mine. Always have had since it was fitted 3 years ago. My opinion is that the system is log :wink:

Again, mine starts first time, every time on the key and will start no probs, with the intellistart when the car has been started previously that day :?

Personally, I think it's the useless 2.5 second maximum crank time. The system is smart enough to stop cranking once the car has started but, they still only let the thing crank for 2.5 seconds max :roll:

Not sure about you guys but, I always depress the clutch when I start the car. Could this add to the issue ?! This would cause a greater current draw on the battery etc...

Oh, and mine forgets things at random too, once they have been set via Cliffnet wizard :(


Again, I have exactly the same problem with mine, works fine if its already been started before that day, but trying to use it first thing on a morning it never fires up, seems like it quite a common problem! :?



I'm going to time it tomorrow and see if it really does do it for 2.5 seconds, i'm not convinced it does no matter what you set it too


Active Member
Stoned said:

I'm going to time it tomorrow and see if it really does do it for 2.5 seconds, i'm not convinced it does no matter what you set it too
Yep, I'd tend to agree with you on that one too :!:


Active Member
I've got Intellistart on my Clifford Solaris (G4) - during the warmer months it's fine but on cold mornings (when you want it the most) it quite often fails to start.

But mine seems to just crank for about 10 seconds before giving up. By which time it's flooded. Again - as everyone else - if I just get in and fire up with the key it starts 1st time.

Also scarily it seems the installer did not connect the neutral sensor so Intellistart will happily kick off with the car in gear :shock:

Is there anyone on here who has Intellistart that works fine all the time??

GeeTee 8)


geetee said:
Also scarily it seems the installer did not connect the neutral sensor so Intellistart will happily kick off with the car in gear :shock:
he must bodged it when he fitted it :shock:
every car ive been in with intelstart you need to be out the car with the engine running to set it :lol:


I have had exactly the same problem mate.

It turned out to be the starter motor on its way out.

Well thats what happened to me...


How much was a replacement?

I did think of that, if it sharpens up the crank time it might be worth while.


ask jonnie, he said he made up some tool for it to do everything from the top by taking the plenum out.