Clutch/driveline problems, for the veterans eyes...



having my third clutchdisc over 1year crushed lately i cant seem to solve the problem.

what happens is the senterspline part of the disc splits from the pucks/rest of the disc.

the metal shatters. dunno if is from side/side force or inn/out unbalance.

have also discovered that the/my R doesnt have the centering spline that enters into the crank on most cars ive ever jobbed on.? isnt this sopposed to be there?
i fitted an R crank onto a rwd gearbox and the rwd centering spline fitted perfectly onto the R crank (thrustbearing)

some has spoken of the relasebearing and/or clutch release system to cuase clutch problems, but i wolud recon that only should cause extensive clutch wear.

also the clutch have always felt ok to drive, pedal takes like original.

Clutch disc to be gone so far:

1st : "homemade" type 4pucked sinter witout springs.( org Pplate)
2nd: RPS fullface street disc. (RPS Pplate)
3rd: Spec 4pucked sinter w/ springs (RPS Pplate) (also changed fly with this)

so whats going on?

picture of the rps broken to be seen here :


By the looks of things u've got torsion stress fractures where the sprung centrespline part of the centreplate meets the outer friction material part of the centreplate.

Looking at the RPS clutch you've only got 4 rivets holding the sprung splined section to the outer friction plate section, by the looks of things they're shearing due to a large amount of torsional force being placed over them. If you look at the Helix and AP Racing organic clutches they have far more rivets connecting the outer part of the plate to the inner, hence spreading the load over a wider area = less force at the rivet joints.

How are you driving the car? are you doing frequent launches etc, if so not suprising that your getting this kind of failure from this type of clutch..


remeber that the first plate was a sinter,
and the last one was a 4mm steelplate. 4pukced sinter with springs.

and i drive the car quite nicely. not much launches and so on.

the RPS lasted approx 4months. this last sinter plate three weeks...
builds up lots of juddering sounds when its engaged in neutrual.
was fine for the first days. then juddering, and the day it broke the whole car had heavy vibrations in it.


New Member
check crank end float and flywheel run out whilst the box is out as i don't see any reason that this shoould be happening.



the flywheel that got mounted with the last clutch was brand new.


Active Member
kizzyturbo4x4 said:
the flywheel that got mounted with the last clutch was brand new.
Sounds like it could be the crank end float then :? Whatever it is, something is moving around in there pretty violently to caus that damage to 3 clutches.