clutch? Help....



My pulsar is supposedly fitted with a racing clutch, I have very little knowledge of pulsars, being how I have just bought one. Its basically an 'on/off' switch rather than a clutch, but it seems ok except when I'm in traffic etc.

When the engine is cold, when I set off from a standstill there is a grinding type noise coming from the engine, cant really work out what it is but I'm hazarding a guess that its something to do with the clutch as there really is no play whatsoever in it, its either on or off. the noise starts when the cluctch is first released and stops when its fully out. The noise stops when the engine is warm and does not happen until the next time I set off from cold.

Does anyone know what this noise is? Do I have to warm the car up before I drive it (I'm used to doing this on my 2 stroke but didnt think it necassary with my pulsar).

I know its very hard to diagnose over the internet but any help would be appreciated!

Any ideas on what price I should be looking at for a new, standard clutch plus fitting?

Cheers me dears.


It could be that you have an OS gilken clutch fitted as I was told that they can be pretty noisey, It def sounds like you have a OS or some sort of paddle clutch fitted.

But as long as it works I woudn't worry to much, Try giveing it plenty of revs when you pull away from a cold start :wink: .



New Member
dan_ said:
When the engine is cold, when I set off from a standstill there is a grinding type noise coming from the engine, cant really work out what it is but I'm hazarding a guess that its something to do with the clutch as there really is no play whatsoever in it, its either on or off. the noise starts when the cluctch is first released and stops when its fully out. The noise stops when the engine is warm and does not happen until the next time I set off from cold.
I have a noise from my clutch when it's cold, it's more of a rattling than a grinding. It goes after 10 mins when the engine has warmed up.

From the description you have described you have a paddle clutch. Mines an racing organic which can be slipped but is still pretty rough as it judders when you slip it. It's just somehting that i have got use to.