clutch pedal



hi guys can any1 help? just put in an uprated clutch not even done 200 mile and the pedal is stuck to the floor, can it be the support bracket? or has any1 else come across this problem. cheers:thumbsup:


could be that check underneath the dash and see only other thing would be to check there is fluid in the clutch resvour and that its not the hose or either end leaking fluid


Active Member
Could be that or a leak in the hydraulics, IIRC its usually the slave cylinder that goes when the pedal is stuck to the floor - check your fluid and see if its black, thats usually a failure of the seals. Also check the clutch pedal and drivers footwell to see if any fluid is dripping down - that would indicate master cylinder failure.



As dave said, check for clutch fluid leaks in the engine bay and on the pedal itself.

Mine did the same thing when my slave cylinder died on me.



cheers guys for that i have checked it out and there is no leaks think it is the support bracket, got maself 1 and going to try it out


Staff member
Is the pedal loose and floppy or is it firmly stuck to the floor ?

Who fitted the clutch for you ?

I assume there was some fluid in the reservoir, if so what condition was it in, was it clean or dirty black.

Yf the pedal is stuck hard to the floor then I would think that indicates there is something wrong with the clutch itself, perhaps in the way it ws fitted. If the clutch pedal was making nasty grinding/squecking noises after you had the new clutch fitted then I would say that the whole pedal assembly has broken off the bulkhead (this can happen), and the only way to mend that would be to get it welded back into place.

The brackets I make are designed to support a clutch pedal assembly that still operates and is working, it's designed to releave any side to side movment in the pedal and thus stop the whole assembly braking away from the bulkhead. If your whole pedal assembly has already broken away from the bulkhead the bracket alone will not help you.



New Member
I actually bent / snapped the clutch fork which then lead to my slave cylinder piston being pushed out of the housing and thus the pedal was on the floor as described, make sure you still have fluid if not see if the slave cylinder (on the front of the engine / gearbox) is still intact.

If none of those i would do as Jimmyback says and see the guy that fitted the clutch as it may be something wrong with either the clutch itself or the fitment of the clutch.
