Clutch taking on air


New Member
:evil: :evil: :evil: Bloody car! I bleed the clutch so it's free of air, ten miles down the road and all of a sudden the clutch almost hits the deck, leaving me having to pump the clutch to get it into gear. There are no leaks at all around the slave, master or pipe joins :evil: :evil: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: I keep bleeding it and I keep getting roughly ten miles until it happens all over again. Seems to happen quicker when I give it a bit of throttle. :cry: :cry: :cry:


master clynider seal have perished, u may find the booster is full of brake fiuld.


New Member
I found fluid leaking down the clutch peddle, so it was def the master.....or so I thought. Changed the master, no clutch fluid leaking out of it. I get about 30miles now before the clutch starts gradually going to the floor. The slave was changed about 2years ago, the pipe was a year ago, the master was changed friday, the clutch is 15k miles old. I just don't know what to do now. :cry: The fluid level isn't going down either, can't find any leaks. Also the problem seems to get worse quicker if driving at high revs.


New Member
I had a lot of problems with air in mine when i changed the slave.
How are you bleeding. I found bleeding by using the pedal when the pedal was raised it was drawing air.

So i used a vac bleeder on mine and shes sweet ever since. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Just get someone to help you :wink:

I bleed mine by getting someone to operate the clutch pedal, i only have the bleed nipple open when the pedal is being pushed down and close it just before the pedal hits the floor. I keep repeating this until all the bubbles have gone and i've never had any problems doing it this way 8)


New Member
Thing is, I can bleed it, drive up the road, bleed it again and find no air. Do 30miles + and there is shit loads of air. Somewhere air must be getting in, but I just can't find any fluid leaks.


New Member
think there about £200 + vat from snap on. If you know someone who works in a garage ask them if they have one. it only take about 5 mins.

Or failing that halfords do a one man bleed kit which you stick on the spare tyre. but not sure if they do a small lid which would fit on the resivoir. : :wink:


Active Member
Sonnygtir said:
I must have been so unlucky! my master and slave went at the same time. Changed the slave and all is fine now :D
If ones gone chap, your better off changing both.
Generally, if there is any crap that gets in the leaking one (it will, very easily), this can get passed round the system and destroy the seals of the good one ! This is probably what happened to you !

Alls well etc.... Glad it's sorted now :wink:




I agree when my master went I changed the lot, Master/slave and the rubber clutch pipe as well :wink: .



New Member
ahhhh, I see I see I see.....said the blind man. I now understand, drove me mad for ages. Clutch feels better than ever. At least I know the system is now good for years to come.