Coilover question


Staff member
Hi All

I've had a mystery set of good quality coilovers (Hiteq think they're JIC's) for a while now, had to get some different springs for them as the springs on them were 560lb front and 480lb rear, so I went along with my coilovers to see a man at Eibach, he suggested a good weight spring (400lb f & 340lb r) for fast road and track, happy with that I got the new springs took them all home and fitted the springs new springs over the shocks. When taking the old springs off I noticed the shockers (which came off an R', but with the heavy springs) only had about 40 - 45mm of travel.

Do you think thats enough travel or will I continually be hitting the bumpstops when hard cornering or braking.


Active Member
Well that should be enough if ur not visiting any country roads. Another thing is have u got the clearance for more travel. Looked at an RS200 the other day, only had like 20mm!!
