Cold start issues


New Member
Hey guys,

On sold starts the car does not want to idle staraight away i usually have to pump the accelerator a bit, she wont stall but it will sit around 900 rpm then after a while it will go onto cold idle. That the first issue.

THe other issue is that when its actually on cold idle its a bit of a dog to drive because you have to press till about 5% throttle before you get throttle otherwise the revs actually go backwards.

To make it a bit simpler, when its on cold idle at around 1400 rpm if i lightly press on the accelerator the revs will actually go down to around 900 base idle. Is this normal or does something need adjusting?

thanks guys.


in other words you have a flat spot.

check your timing as it maybe too far retarded, bit like my brain sometimes


New Member
Just checked timing, its spot on well as spot on as you can get it with the usual idle issues.

Is there any way of checking if the throttle bodies are aligned properly?
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yeah you can do it with a vacuum gauge by connecting it to 1 of the 4 outlet vacuum ports and taking a reading at base idle, then note the reading on first port and do all the other 3 and all readings should be the same. if say 3 are the same then adjust the screw on the one that varies so all 4 are matched.

but i doubt whether thats your problem here
if your timing is correct then you have an air leak on the vacuum side, or round the inlet bodies, so check every single vacuum connection for split or cracked pipes, also spray a load of wd4o or similar all round where throttle body gaskets are and see if theres any difference in the idle speed, as one of those gaskets may be sucking in air especially when engines cold


New Member
pulsarboby said:
yeah you can do it with a vacuum gauge by connecting it to 1 of the 4 outlet vacuum ports and taking a reading at base idle, then note the reading on first port and do all the other 3 and all readings should be the same. if say 3 are the same then adjust the screw on the one that varies so all 4 are matched.

but i doubt whether thats your problem here
if your timing is correct then you have an air leak on the vacuum side, or round the inlet bodies, so check every single vacuum connection for split or cracked pipes, also spray a load of wd4o or similar all round where throttle body gaskets are and see if theres any difference in the idle speed, as one of those gaskets may be sucking in air especially when engines cold
I sprayed a whole heap of carby cleaner around the injectors and the vac areas around there and there was no change in idle.

I will however look over all of the lines and see what i can come up with.