


This isnt a problem as such but Iam confused :shock:

There are alot of poeple saying that they are unhappy about their R's because they have gone wrong, or in their signatures they have Quoted - (example) "The man with a broken 'R'.....again".

Is there alot of broken R's out there :?:

I was told "Jap and only Jap will do"!! :?:


Active Member
These cars are 10+ years old.

Most broken ones happen when people 'tune' them incompetently. Or 'tune' them competently and expect a 100,000+ mile engine with standard internals to run over 1 bar boost reliably.

Mostly they are pretty bullet proof - as much as an old car can be.

Don't forget - people with working cars won't be posting much - so you get a pretty depressing view if you just go by the forum.

Oh - and welcome to the forum :)

GeeTee 8)


New Member
i'm on my second rebuild cause i wanted more power.

Just be sensiable with your car (or your bro's car :wink: ) and you will be fine.

Do simple things like regular services, using Optimax fuel, let the car warm up properly before 'nailing' it and always let it cool down properly after a run.

If run on 1 bar or less then you will be fine.

BUT once you have hada tast of the boooooost there's no truning back!

I love my R even though i have not driven it for the last 7 months!!


Welcome to the world of Deep pockets and bank loans :shock:


same as

although i have only had my r a couple of months i've always found that spending the money before helps with any tuned car. as theve said (turbo car) so service every 5000 miles or less, engine flushes to make sure the lines are all clear, synthetic oils with regular changes and a garage which understands your car help more than anything else i ve done it with all my cars and so do my mates and weve never had rebuilds and blown engines we just sit back love our cars and hammer it once there all warmed up but jap cars are solid and this is the most amazing car i've ever had just try and buy one thats been loved cause you know they get raped but as long as there taken care afterwards :)


GINGA said:
I've only blown the 4 engines :oops: other than that the cars been very reliable :wink: :lol:
Yeah but you can fix yours yourself, so you don't mind going way beyond the sensible tuning limits. That's if you can call using chemical metal to hold a cracked engine together 'fixing' of course.... :lol: :lol:

I had mine for 4 years, looked after it, modded it wisely and the only faults I had were a sensor bracket snapping and the seal between the gearbox and the transfer case go (but I needed a new clutch anyway, so did it at the same time).

The trouble is youonly really hear about the ones that go wrong, not too many people post up about driving to work etc. and the car not breaking down...


well put it this way, my last r i owned for bout a year and a half, only ever spent money on servicing it and fuel, except for some worn bearings in the box, but that was how i bought it. it was a joy to own and drive, and imo reliable too!

at the beginning of the year i bought my 2nd r, (with problems) but got it dirt cheap. have spent a bit on it now such as 600quids worth of turbo, but it appears the engine is fooked after all not the turbo! :roll: oh well at least i have a good tub now! guess ill be taking the engine out next month to strip it down!

i just wish the previous owner hadnt sold it to me with a 'running fault' and just admitted he had blown the engine using a wnak boost valve!twat! :shock:


Like most of the lads say look after it and there ok but if your running a 2ltr turbo you have to expect problems mines been ok only had a clutch, chain and starter go wrong.

But apart from that regular oil changes and a bit of TLC should be ok anyway a girl shouldnt blow one up. (only joking)