conversion table


Active Member
any got a conversion table for the japanses boost reading to our psi n bar reading :D
if that makes sense
cheers jimmy


also the apexi reading into bar would be handy, i know the apexi is a tad less, jeff :wink:

Innovate Performance

if you mean kpa?

take it that:-

250 kpa = 2.5 Bar

100 kpa = 1 bar

You can do the psi bit your self

1bar = 14.7 psi just incase :wink:


New Member
:D The Apexi measurement is in KG/CM2,so 1kg/cm2=14.22psi :wink:
I also have a conversion table program,not sure if it will 'e'mail though :wink: I could try if you let me know if you want it :wink:


thats the one, 1.02 kg/cm2= 1.0 bar, correct me if im wrong, cheer's, jeff :wink:

Innovate Performance

Fast Guy said:
Innovate Performance said:
1bar = 14.7 psi just incase :wink:
1bar = 14.5psi :wink:
14.7psi is atmospehric pressure at sea level
we are not far of sea level :wink: Also the ecu map is done for sea level ie 14.7 psi or 1bar.

Not being funny but any one that say thay can notice .2 psi is being anal.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Innovate Performance said:
Not being funny but any one that say thay can notice .2 psi is being anal.
I couldn't even notice the extra 19bhp my mongoose and apexi gave me :oops:
No point in giving out duff into tho is there :?


when you go 2 bar and its 0.4 then it makes sense to use correct conversions :?

Innovate Performance

The thing is depending on where you live or you are driving depends on the atmospehric pressure so all the ecu i have ever seen are set so 1bar/1000mb (millibars) is at sea level this is so the cars will run correctly weather you are on Brighton sea front or up in the alps.

Most of the cars read about 1012mb (millibars) when we do data checks in our work shop.

If you want to get your boost setting spot on then use a manual boost gauge that has been calibrated. You cant get it wrong this way.


New Member
Innovate Performance said:
Not being funny but any one that say thay can notice .2 psi is being anal.
that was one of the legend that was 20legacy's favourite posts how he was increasing his boost by .1 increments :roll:

he even got antilag all animated with his incredible boost stories :lol:


Active Member
Isn't Google great?

put ur value in any scale you want and get 17 other ways to say it :lol:

For example due to clutch probs I'm running 8psi

.5516 bar
55.16 KiloPascal
551.6 millibar
.5625 kgf/cm2
413.7 mm of mercury (Torr) as the standard gauge uses.

It does feel dog slow though :(

Still saw off a Clio172 and SLK320 in Milton Keynes on the way to work this morning though :)

GeeTee 8)

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Innovate Performance said:
Fast Guy said:
Innovate Performance said:
1bar = 14.7 psi just incase :wink:
1bar = 14.5psi :wink:
14.7psi is atmospehric pressure at sea level
we are not far of sea level :wink:
know what you mean mate :wink: im actually below it :D i always thought 1bar=14.7psi too :? sounds daft but a boiler at my old work place used to sit at an indicated ten (147lb) bar all day long on a digi scale :?


So does the Apexi AVC-R boost controller read in kg/cm2 rather than bar or psi??