Coolant Reservoir


I have recently bought my R and noticed that the coolant reservoir was low. I asked the garage I bought it from and they are adamant it should sit like this although other people tell me it should be full and others half full. i'm totally confussed and would appriciate some advice please. Where should the level be when cold and also hot?CheersMatt


Active Member

look for the max line on the bottle, fill it to there when the engine is cold.


Active Member
stumo said:

look for the max line on the bottle, fill it to there when the engine is cold.
Don't you mean fill it to the max line when the engine is hot matey ?! :lol:

It's an expansion tank and so, will fill up with water as the water gets hot and expands, when the engine heats up.
I normally fill mine to half way between the min and max line, when the car is cold and, it never goes over the max line, when hot.


New Member

IMO and is what myself and my dad before me has always done (Mechanic) is fill to max on cold engine. The space above the max is enough for normal expansion of the liquid. Any more expansion or loss of fluid will be because its running hotter than norm.

Filling when cold to the max allows you that little bit more time and water useage if required.

Each to their own though i suppose.



Active Member
antgtir said:
Each to their own though i suppose.

Indeed and I can see your reasoning so, I take that back stumo ! ;-)

I still maintain mine up as I stated though. :lol:

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Active Member
youngsyp said:
Don't you mean fill it to the max line when the engine is hot matey ?! :lol:

It's an expansion tank and so, will fill up with water as the water gets hot and expands, when the engine heats up.
I normally fill mine to half way between the min and max line, when the car is cold and, it never goes over the max line, when hot.
NO, i mean you fill it to the max line when it's cold.:der:

edit: just seen your reply


New Member
youngsyp said:
Indeed and I can see your reasoning so, I take that back stumo ! ;-)

I still maintain mine up as I stated though. :lol:

Lol id do exactly the same mate, im always right :lol: :lol: even if im wrong :lol: :lol:



After installing my hybrid copy fmic kit, there's no place for my OE bottle any more. I have a 591 mL pop bottle shoved in there, but it's not enough, the coolant sprays through the top when its hot, and it sucks almost all of it back in when the engine cools down.

Any alternatives?


New Member
If you are going to relocate the expansion tank make sure that the outlet i.e. for the expanded water is higher than the top of the radiator or else you wont fill your rad i.e. wont have the adequate cooling.



Active Member
CanadianR said:
After installing my hybrid copy fmic kit, there's no place for my OE bottle any more. I have a 591 mL pop bottle shoved in there, but it's not enough, the coolant sprays through the top when its hot, and it sucks almost all of it back in when the engine cools down.

Any alternatives?
a 1Ltr pop bottle.:doh: :der: :doh:

Fast Guy

Staff member
CanadianR said:
After installing my hybrid copy fmic kit, there's no place for my OE bottle any more.
Any alternatives?
"Oh yes there is" (panto season is here:thumbsup: )



Just picked up my ebay item and im very impressed, thought it would be shite. Its very well made no good for anyone thats trying to save weight it ways a ****in ton that well made. Top quality :thumbsup: