Crank Oil Seal.


New Member
Has anyone ever changed one of these??

I seem to have an oil leak from the gearbox area, however it seems to be the engine oil not gearbox oil. There is a small drain hole where the box meets the bottom end, i have smelt this oil and its defo not the gearbox oil as i first thought. I checked the engine oil and its low, this engine has never burnt oil so with the recent leak i seem to have picked up it does seem to be this. I know there is a seal on the crank end and ive been told that any leaks are designed to be caught in this area and allowed to leak out of the drain hole.

So my question is has anyone done this job before? If so how much of a pain in the rear was it? How much did the seal cost? How long did it take?

Hope ive explained the problem clear enough.

Thanks in advance,

Ant. :)


The job it's self wont be to hard but you will need to drop the engine to get the box off, it can be done with the engine still in but it's far easyer to drop it.

I'd get olly or mike (exgtir) to do it for you.



Active Member
if it leaking excessively it may well be fouling your clutch plate which would be worth changing at the same time



New Member
vpulsar said:
The job it's self wont be to hard but you will need to drop the engine to get the box off, it can be done with the engine still in but it's far easyer to drop it.

I'd get olly or mike (exgtir) to do it for you.

So you can do it without stripping the whole engine?? I.e. just taking off the box and getting at it from there??

Have you contact details for Olly or Mike? PM if you have mate, cheers. Are they local too??

Ant. :wink:


New Member
zia said:
if it leaking excessively it may well be fouling your clutch plate which would be worth changing at the same time

I bloody hope its not as that will have been my third clutch in 1 1/2 years :cry: .

It doesn't seem to be slipping at all *touch wood* so hopefully its just a small leak which is able to escape quicker than its being filled lol. Its not leaking badly just a few drips when its left as the oil is thin and hot.
